Guo Yudi, Liu Binxian, Liang Dongpo. Application of variational method to correction of ASCAT wind field in the Bohai Sea. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2019, 30(3): 376-384. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20190310.
Citation: Guo Yudi, Liu Binxian, Liang Dongpo. Application of variational method to correction of ASCAT wind field in the Bohai Sea. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2019, 30(3): 376-384. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20190310.

Application of Variational Method to Correction of ASCAT Wind Field in the Bohai Sea

DOI: 10.11898/1001-7313.20190310
  • Received Date: 2018-08-21
  • Rev Recd Date: 2019-01-17
  • Publish Date: 2019-05-31
  • It is found that the wind velocity and wind direction of ASCAT have large errors comparing with observations of the Bohai Sea stations. Error analysis results show that the mean wind velocity deviations of ASCAT of the Bohai Bay, Bohai Strait, Laizhou Bay, Central Bohai Sea and Liaodong Bay areas are from the largest to the smallest. The mean wind direction deviation of ASCAT of the Laizhou Bay, Bohai Bay, Liaodong Bay, Bohai Strait and Central Bohai Sea area are from the largest to the smallest. The wind speed deviation of the Bohai Bay is the largest, and the wind direction deviation of the Laizhou Bay is the largest. According to error analysis results, the reliability of ASCAT wind field in the Bohai Sea needs to be improved. Therefore, the wind field of ASCAT is corrected using observations of the Bohai Sea stations in terms of variational method, which can obtain the corrected wind field with spatial resolution of 12.5 km×12.5 km and temporal resolution of 12 hours. In addition, to test the applicability of variational method in the sea area, the corrected wind field in five sea areas including the Liaodong Bay, Bohai Bay, Laizhou Bay, Central Bohai Sea and Bohai Strait are verified. Verification results show that the accuracy of ASCAT wind field is improved significantly after correction, the average deviation of wind velocity is reduced from 4 m·s-1 to 1 m·s-1, and the average deviation of wind direction is reduced from-30 °-30 ° to -7 °-4 °. The variational method is proved effective on ASCAT wind field correction. The ASCAT wind field revised by variational method from September 2017 to February 2018 shows that the distribution of the wind field is consistent with the wind field observed on the sea surface. The corrected wind speed of the Bohai Sea is proportional to the offshore distance and contour depth, which means areas further offshore, with deeper depth contour and wider surface are likely less influenced by submarine topography and the friction coefficient, and therefore the wind speed value is greater, and the wind direction is from the north to the northwest. The analysis of a gale process on 18 December 2017 shows that the corrected wind field can reflect coastal wind field information and the extreme value area of wind velocity in the process of wind, and it can monitor the process of gale changes dynamically. The variational method solves the problem of low spatial resolution of stations and low accuracy of ASCAT. It also has a good guiding significance for gale forecasting and can provide more accurate initial field for ocean models.
  • Fig. 1  Stations and wind observations in the Bohai Sea from Sep 2017 to Feb 2018

    Fig. 2  Distribution of ASCAT(a) and the corrected wind field(b) from Sep 2017 to Feb 2018

    Fig. 3  Deviation of wind velocity between the corrected and ASCAT from Sep 2017 to Feb 2018(unit:m·s-1)

    Fig. 4  Wind velocity at Penglai-25 Station from 17 Dec to 20 Dec in 2017

    Fig. 5  Distribution of wind above level 6 at 1300 UTC 18 Dec 2017

    Fig. 6  Wind field of ASCAT(a) and the corrected(b) in the Bohai Sea at 1300 UTC 18 Dec 2017

    Table  1  The information of the Bohai Sea observation stations

    海域 观测站名称 站号
    辽东湾 锦州25号 54464
    锦州9号 54465
    锦州20号 54468
    旅大10号 54552
    SZ36-1油田平台 54553
    金县1号 54560
    渤海湾 曹妃甸京唐钢铁 54537
    大沽灯塔 54630
    渤海A平台 54646
    渤海新区埕海1号 54720
    渤海新区综合港区 54721
    CB246A 54740
    莱州湾 垦利10号 54745
    潍坊港浮标站 54748
    纪姆岛站 54750
    渤海海峡 北隍城岛(梯度风) 54655
    大竹山站 54659
    长岛 54751
    渤海中部 秦皇岛32号 54547
    秦皇岛33号 54548
    旅大32号 54557
    大连1号灯浮标 54558
    渤中26号 54638
    渤中13号 54639
    渤中3号 54642
    BZ28-1油田平台 54648
    渤中35号 54649
    蓬莱25号 54654
    CB30A 54742
    渤中34号 54743
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    Table  2  Comparison of ASCAT wind velocity errors from Sep 2017 to Feb 2018(unit:m·s-1)

    海域 平均偏差 平均绝对误差 均方根误差
    订正前 订正后 订正前 订正后 订正前 订正后
    渤海 3.88 1.07 3.98 2.51 4.46 2.87
    辽东湾 2.44 0.43 2.55 1.99 3.06 2.32
    渤海湾 7.26 4.06 7.34 5.40 7.81 5.78
    莱州湾 3.25 0.48 3.30 1.78 3.68 2.18
    渤海海峡 3.83 0.38 3.84 1.29 4.12 1.64
    渤海中部 2.64 -0.04 2.87 2.11 3.61 2.46
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    Table  3  Comparison of ASCAT wind direction errors from Sep 2017 to Feb 2018(unit:(°))

    风向 平均偏差 平均绝对误差 均方根误差
    订正前 订正后 订正前 订正后 订正前 订正后
    7.87 0.15 37.91 3.83 52.53 5.37
    东北 29.88 2.68 41.01 3.96 49.93 4.38
    1.68 3.46 31.85 5.81 35.08 6.29
    东南 7.33 3.39 38.54 7.34 41.07 9.11
    -4.05 -1.17 37.96 6.46 41.41 7.27
    西南 -10.00 -2.35 30.63 6.21 35.55 7.07
    西 -24.33 -4.86 41.20 6.69 49.44 7.48
    西北 -28.77 -6.28 49.13 8.72 56.91 10.02
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    • Received : 2018-08-21
    • Accepted : 2019-01-17
    • Published : 2019-05-31


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