Wu Dingrong, Huo Zhiguo, Wang Peijuan, et al. The applicability of mechanism phenology models to simulating apple flowering date in Shaanxi Province. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2019, 30(5): 555-564. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20190504.
Citation: Wu Dingrong, Huo Zhiguo, Wang Peijuan, et al. The applicability of mechanism phenology models to simulating apple flowering date in Shaanxi Province. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2019, 30(5): 555-564. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20190504.

The Applicability of Mechanism Phenology Models to Simulating Apple Flowering Date in Shaanxi Province

DOI: 10.11898/1001-7313.20190504
  • Received Date: 2019-05-10
  • Rev Recd Date: 2019-07-24
  • Publish Date: 2019-09-30
  • China's apple growing area and production rank first in the world, and thus apple is one of important economical crops in China. Meteorological disaster occurring in apple critical phenology stage is one of the main disasters impacting yield and quality, especially in the dominant planting provinces such as Shaanxi. Accurate forecasting on flowering date in Shaanxi can provide scientific support for taking applicable defensive management and improving the ability to resist meteorological disasters, and therefore benefit to apple yield and quality. Taking apple flowering stage as an example, the applicability of 4 typical phenology models is evaluated, including Sequential Model (SM), Parallel Model (PM), Deepening Rest Model (DRM), and Thermal Time Model (TTM). There are 4 apple planting divisions in Shaanxi Province. In each division, there are two phenology observation sites. Internal validation and cross validation (Leave One Out Cross Validation) of 4 models are done using sites with longer observations, while shorter record sites are used to evaluate the effect of model extrapolation application. In 4 divisions, 4 sites performing internal validation and cross validation are Xunyi, Luochuan, Liquan and Baishui, respectively, while four sites to conduct extrapolation application are Changwu, Baota, Fengxiang and Tongchuan, respectively. Model performance is assessed according to the root mean square error (RMSE) of modelled flowering date. Internal validation results show that optimal models are different in different sites and generally TTM and SM give similar accuracy (3.30 d). Cross validation also verifies and there is no particularly prominent model. The average RMSE for all four models is 4.52 d. TTM is then extrapolatively applied to other sites with two methods (extrapolation based on values in a single site, and extrapolation based on average values of 4 sites). The accuracy of both methods is higher than that of similar studies abroad (10.0 d), while the accuracy of extrapolation based on values in a single site (5.90 d) is higher than that of extrapolation based on average values of 4 sites (7.21 d). Considering the complexity and simulation accuracy, TTM is recommended to be used to simulate the flowering period in each apple planting division in Shaanxi Province.
  • Fig. 1  The target area and location of sites(regional division of apple planting from Reference [32])

    Fig. 2  Observed flowering date at 4 parameter-calibration sites and values given by 4 models in internal validation

    Fig. 3  Observed flowering date at 4 parameter-calibration sites and values given by 4 models in cross validation

    Fig. 4  Simulated flowering date applied by TTM at 4 parameter-validation sites

    (a)based on values of a single site, (b)based on average values of 4 sites

    Table  1  Years and number of observations at each site

    所属果区 站名 观测年份 观测年数
    关中果区 礼泉 1973—1974,1976,1980,1982—1983,1989,1992,1998,2000—2001,2003—2004,2007—2014 21
    凤翔 2001—2009 9
    渭北西部果区 旬邑 1994—2014 21
    长武 1995—2002 8
    渭北东部果区 白水 2001—2009,2011—2014 13
    铜川 2001—2005,2007—2009 8
    延安果区 洛川 1998—2014 17
    宝塔 2001—2003,2005,2007,2009 6
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    Table  2  Parametric optimization spaces of SM, PM and DRM

    参数 最小值 最大值
    Tb/℃ -20 -5
    Topt/℃ 2.0 6.9
    Tmax/℃ 7 11
    Rc 3 20
    a 0.1 3.0
    b 5 15
    c -5 10
    Rf 10 40
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    Table  3  Internal validation results of 4 models at 4 parameter-calibration sites

    站点 统计量 SM PM DRM TTM
    旬邑 均方根误差/d 4.02 4.43 4.75 3.63
    R2 0.438*** 0.446*** 0.402* 0.412**
    洛川 均方根误差/d 2.8 3.48 2.78 3.07
    R2 0.618*** 0.474** 0.611*** 0.536***
    礼泉 均方根误差/d 2.86 4.27 3.17 2.88
    R2 0.834*** 0.698*** 0.802*** 0.836***
    白水 均方根误差/d 3.5 4.63 3.78 3.67
    R2 0.638*** 0.369* 0.556*** 0.531***
    注:*,**和***分别表示达到0.05, 0.01和0.001显著性水平。
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    Table  4  Cross validation results of 4 models at 4 parameter-calibration sites

    站名 统计量 SM PM DRM TTM
    旬邑 均方根误差/d 5.36 4.75 6.65 6.41
    R2 0.273*** 0.335** 0.247* 0.193*
    洛川 均方根误差/d 4.2 4.09 3.48 3.79
    R2 0.241* 0.259* 0.406** 0.365**
    礼泉 均方根误差/d 3.82 3.73 3.74 3.53
    R2 0.718*** 0.728*** 0.735*** 0.761***
    白水 均方根误差/d 6.34 5.24 4.21 5.19
    R2 0.32* 0.43* 0.48** 0.32*
    注:*,**和***分别表示达到0.05, 0.01和0.001显著性水平。
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    Table  5  Parameter values, thermal threshold(F*) and simulation accuracy in internal validation of TTM at 4 parameter-calibration sites

    站点 下限气温/℃ 静止期始期 热驱动阈值F* 内部验证准确率/%
    旬邑 2.5 03-11 206.0 61.9
    洛川 2.0 02-24 317.5 94.1
    礼泉 2.9 02-13 287.7 81.0
    白水 2.7 03-09 218.3 69.2
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    Table  6  Root mean square errors of simulated flowering date applied by TTM at 4 parameter-validation sites(unit:d)

    站点 单站外推 求平均后外推
    长武 6.24 9.80
    宝塔 5.08 5.69
    凤翔 5.34 4.51
    铜川 5.34 7.62
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    • Received : 2019-05-10
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    • Published : 2019-09-30


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