Qi Chen, Jin Chenxi, Guo Wenli, et al. Icing potential index of aircraft icing based on fuzzy logic. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2019, 30(5): 619-628. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20190510.
Citation: Qi Chen, Jin Chenxi, Guo Wenli, et al. Icing potential index of aircraft icing based on fuzzy logic. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2019, 30(5): 619-628. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20190510.

Icing Potential Index of Aircraft Icing Based on Fuzzy Logic

DOI: 10.11898/1001-7313.20190510
  • Received Date: 2019-04-03
  • Rev Recd Date: 2019-06-11
  • Publish Date: 2019-09-30
  • Aircraft icing, a cumulative hazard, is one of the major weather hazards affecting aviation. It reduces aircraft efficiency by increasing weight, reducing lift, decreasing thrust, and increasing drag. Icing also seriously impairs aircraft engine performance and causes false indication on flight instruments, loss of radio communications and failures of control panel, brakes, and landing gear. Therefore, the prediction of aircraft icing is one of the key research focuses.In order to establish an aircraft icing potential index with more reasonable threshold and easy to adopt, 372 aircraft icing cases and corresponding observation data from 2014 to 2017 provided by Beijing Weather Modification Office are analyzed based on fuzzy logical principles. The membership function of temperature and relative humidity derived from those data analysis is used to calculate the initial possibility of icing. On this basis, the membership function representing the influence of vertical velocity and cloudiness on the initial possibility of icing is determined using the national pilot reports (PIREPs) in 2016 and corresponding ERA5 reanalysis data to screen different forms of membership functions. Based on membership functions of temperature, relative humidity, vertical velocity and cloudiness, the icing potential index (Ip) can be calculated by using output from numerical weather prediction model.According to ERA5 reanalysis data, 61 icing cases and 45 non-icing cases are used to test the effectiveness of Ip. Results show that the accuracy, missing alarm rate and false alarm rate of Ip are 80.2%, 9.4% and 10.4%. Compared with the commonly used icing index (Ic), the accuracy of Ip is better, the missing alarm and false alarm reduce significantly. However, it should be noted that the difference between aircraft type and flight speed of different aircraft icing cases in this study is not discussed, and it is assumed that effects of vertical velocity and cloud cover on the initial possibility of icing are independent, which need further study.In summary, the established icing potential index (Ip) based on fuzzy logical principles is efficient and feasible, and provides information for pilots to avoid high-risk areas of icing in the air. Combining with the regional numerical weather prediction model, it can output the possibility of icing in certain areas under certain meteorological conditions and provide reference for pilots to avoid high-risk areas of icing in the air.
  • Fig. 1  Distribution of icing cases from 2014 to 2017 provided by Beijing Weather Modification Office

    Fig. 2  Distribution of icing cases(a) and non-icing cases(b) from 2016 national pilot reports(PIREPs)

    Fig. 3  Sample size of icing cases in each temperature interval

    Fig. 4  Membership function of temperature(Tmap)

    Fig. 5  Sample size of icing cases in each relative humidity interval

    Fig. 6  Membership function of relative humidity(Rmap)

    Fig. 7  Membership functions of vertical velocity

    Fig. 8  Membership functions of specific cloud liquid water content Sa and cloud cover Sb

    Table  1  Combination of weight coefficients k1 and k2

    组合序号 k1 k2
    1 1.0 0.0
    2 0.8 0.2
    3 0.6 0.4
    4 0.5 0.5
    5 0.4 0.6
    6 0.2 0.8
    7 0.0 1.0
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    Table  2  Screening results

    k1, k2组合 Vmap Smap 准确率/% 漏报率/% 虚警率/% 高值率/%
    Va 76.79 12.50 10.71 51.61
    1, 0 Vb 75.00 12.50 12.50 51.61
    Vc 76.79 8.93 14.29 64.52
    0.8, 0.2 Va Sa 76.79 12.50 10.71 45.16
    Sb 76.79 12.50 10.71 48.39
    Vb Sa 75.00 12.50 12.50 45.16
    Sb 75.00 12.50 12.50 48.39
    Vc Sa 76.79 8.93 14.29 58.06
    Sb 76.79 8.93 14.29 64.52
    0.6, 0.4 Va Sa 78.57 12.50 8.93 41.94
    Sb 82.14 8.93 8.93 48.39
    Vb Sa 76.79 12.50 10.71 41.94
    Sb 80.36 8.93 10.71 48.39
    Vc Sa 78.57 8.93 12.50 45.16
    Sb 80.36 7.14 12.50 48.39
    0.5, 0.5 Va Sa 78.57 12.50 8.93 38.71
    Sb 82.14 8.93 8.93 45.16
    Vb Sa 76.79 12.50 10.71 38.71
    Sb 80.36 8.93 10.71 45.16
    Vc Sa 78.57 8.93 12.50 38.71
    Sb 80.36 7.14 12.50 45.16
    0.4, 0.6 Va Sa 76.79 12.50 10.71 38.71
    Sb 80.36 8.93 10.71 45.16
    Vb Sa 76.79 12.50 10.71 38.71
    Sb 80.36 8.93 10.71 45.16
    Vc Sa 78.57 8.93 12.50 38.71
    Sb 80.36 7.14 12.50 45.16
    0.2, 0.8 Va Sa 78.57 12.50 8.93 38.71
    Sb 82.14 8.93 8.93 45.16
    Vb Sa 78.57 12.50 8.93 38.71
    Sb 82.14 8.93 8.93 45.16
    Vc Sa 78.57 10.71 10.71 38.71
    Sb 82.14 7.14 10.71 45.16
    0, 1 Sa 75.00 16.07 8.93 38.71
    Sb 80.36 10.71 8.93 45.16
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    Table  3  Possibility of icing corresponding to the value of icing potential index

    Ip 积冰可能性
    [0, 0.1]
    (0.1, 0.4]
    (0.4, 0.6]
    (0.6, 0.8] 较高
    (0.8, 1]
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    • Received : 2019-04-03
    • Accepted : 2019-06-11
    • Published : 2019-09-30


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