Guo Qiyun, Yang Rongkang, Cheng Kaiqi, et al. Refractive index quality control and comparative analysis of multi-source occultation based on sounding observation. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2020, 31(1): 13-26. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20200102.
Citation: Guo Qiyun, Yang Rongkang, Cheng Kaiqi, et al. Refractive index quality control and comparative analysis of multi-source occultation based on sounding observation. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2020, 31(1): 13-26. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20200102.

Refractive Index Quality Control and Comparative Analysis of Multi-source Occultation Based on Sounding Observation

DOI: 10.11898/1001-7313.20200102
  • Received Date: 2019-07-01
  • Rev Recd Date: 2019-09-26
  • Publish Date: 2020-01-31
  • Three occultation refractive index data of COSMIC, Metop-A and FY-3C from 1 September 2017 to 31 August 2018 are divided into four climate zones according to climate characteristics, so that the dataset is more consistent with the normal distribution. Occultation refractive index data and the deviation from the sounding are statistically analyzed. According to statistical results, the occultation refractive index data are quality controlled. Results show that the double-weighted mean and the double-weight standard deviation of three occultations refractive index are relatively close, and the overall trends are gradually decreasing with height. There are differences between the double-weighted mean and the double-weighted standard deviation in four climate zones. The subtropical monsoon climate zone is rich in water vapor in the lower troposphere, so its double weight mean and standard deviation are larger than those in other three climate zones. In the statistical calculation of the deviation from the sounding, the COSMIC is negative below 5 km, the subtropical monsoon climate zone has large deviation. The deviation of FY-3C in subtropical monsoon climate zone is positive below 2 km, negative between 2-6 km, positive again above 6 km, and the overall deviation is within 2 N. According to different statistical characteristics of deviations in four climate zones, different quality control standards are formulated, and error data and suspicious data are screened out. The threshold value of the correlation coefficient between the occultation and the sounding refractive index determined by statistical calculation is 0.44, and suspiciousness smaller than 0.44 is taken as wrong data. Below 1 km, the proportion of error data in quality control of occultation itself is 5%-10%. Above 1 km, within 5%, three occultations are relatively close. After importing the sounding observation reference, quality control data of Metop-A occultation in the plateau mountain climate area are increasing, while the others are about 6%. Comparing the correlation coefficient between occultations and the sounding before and after quality control, the value is smaller before the quality control. After error data being eliminated, the correlation between the occultations and the sounding refractive index is improved, mostly above 0.9. The control is effective, and the quality of the occultation data is improved.
  • Fig. 1  Climate zones(a) and 120 sounding stations(b) in China

    Fig. 2  Double-weighted mean and double-weighted standard deviation profiles of occultation refractive index in four climate zones

    Fig. 3  Suspicious thresholds and error threshold interval of COSMIC refractive index of in four climate zones comparing to refractive index profiles at a single moment

    Fig. 4  Double-weighted mean and double-weighted standard deviation profiles of occultation refractive index deviations in four climate zones

    Fig. 5  Suspicious thresholds and false thresholds of COSMIC refractive index deviation in four climate zones comparing to refractive index deviation profiles at a single moment

    Fig. 6  Correlation coefficients of reflective indices between occultations and the sounding in four climate zones

    Fig. 7  Error data distribution of occultation refractive index in subtropical monsoon climate zone

    Fig. 8  Percentage of occultation error data in the first-step quality control

    Fig. 9  Percentage of occultation error data in the second-step quality control

    Fig. 10  Correlation coefficient between occultation and sounding refraction index before quality control, after the first-step and the final quality controls in the subtropical monsoon climate zone

    Table  1  The number of profiles provided by occultations matching with sounding stations in four climate zones

    掩星 温带大陆 亚热带季风 温带季风 高原山地
    COSMIC 263 133 121 72
    Metop-A 309 373 291 43
    FY-3C 90 81 97 7
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    • Received : 2019-07-01
    • Accepted : 2019-09-26
    • Published : 2020-01-31


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