Li Xinyi, Zhang Yi, Zhao Yanxia, et al. Comparative study on main crop yield separation methods. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2020, 31(1): 74-82. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20200107.
Citation: Li Xinyi, Zhang Yi, Zhao Yanxia, et al. Comparative study on main crop yield separation methods. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2020, 31(1): 74-82. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20200107.

Comparative Study on Main Crop Yield Separation Methods

DOI: 10.11898/1001-7313.20200107
  • Received Date: 2019-10-08
  • Rev Recd Date: 2019-11-25
  • Publish Date: 2020-01-31
  • Crop yield separation is one of the important steps in analyzing the impact of meteorological factors on yield. Statistical rice yield data for 1985-2018 from 24 counties in Jiangsu are used to analyze the rationality of different separation methods. Six separation methods are 3-year moving mean, 5-year moving mean, five-point quadratic smoothing, quadratic exponential smoothing, HP filter and year-to-year increment. Consistencies and differences are analyzed from aspects of trend yield and meteorological yield. In order to select better methods that could accurately capture the yield variation caused by meteorological factors, the meteorological yield based on different methods are compared with the typical annual increase and decrease of rice yield records. Finally, as mentioned above, the selected methods are calibrated by the rationality of the relationship between meteorological factors and yield. Results show that the trend yield curves fitted by different methods are in line with the process of social technology development. Compared with the average trend yield, almost all the consistency correlation coefficients are greater than 0.5. It suggests that different methods do not differ much in trend fitting. Characteristics of meteorological yield separated by 3-year moving mean, 5-year moving mean, five-point quadratic smoothing and quadratic exponential smoothing in each county are simultaneously increasing or decreasing. And their standard deviation values are significantly smaller than HP filter method and year-to-year increment method. The result suggests that the rationality of separating the meteorological yields by 3-year moving mean, 5-year moving mean, five-point quadratic smoothing, and quadratic exponential smoothing is higher than the other two methods. Five-point quadratic smoothing method and 3-year moving mean method can capture almost 100% of typical annual meteorological yield changes in the whole research area. Further verification results show that the positive and negative effects of meteorological factors captured by 3-year moving mean and five-point quadratic smoothing method are more consistent with the response to meteorological factors. Overall, separation methods of five-point quadratic smoothing method and 3-year moving mean method are more suitable for this research area and match well with meteorological factors.
  • Fig. 1  The research region and distribution of meteorological stations

    Fig. 2  Rice yield trends fitted by 5 methods from 1987 to 2016

    Fig. 3  Regional mean value and standard deviation series of relative meteorological yield seperated by 6 methods

    Table  1  Records of typical years

    典型年型 年份 水稻生育期内对产量影明显的气象条件
    减产年 1997 3月下旬—6月中旬江淮长期干旱少雨, 水稻栽秧用水严重短缺
    1999 水稻分蘖期、抽穗扬花期与灌浆盛期先后出现寡照阴雨天气
    2003 6月21日—7月12日连续多次大范围暴雨到大暴雨过程, 田块被淹
    2007 6月19日—7月24日江淮地区降水特多, 夏秋两季发生梅雨涝灾及台风
    丰产年 2002 8月6日—18日出现罕见的凉爽连续阴雨天气, 对水稻形成大穗有利
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    Table  2  Consistency statistics of trend yield series fitted by 5 methods at 24 counties in Jiangsu and average trend yield series of research areas

    相关系数 样本量
    3年滑动平均 5年滑动平均 五点二次平滑 二次指数平滑 HP滤波
    0≤ρc < 0.5 1 1 1 3 2
    0.5≤ρc < 0.85 12 11 16 15 10
    0.85≤ρc < 1 11 12 7 6 12
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    Table  3  Comparison between the meterorological yield seperated by different methods and records of 5 typical years at 24 counties in Jiangsu

    吻合比例/% 样本量
    3年滑动平均 5年滑动平均 五点二次平滑 二次指数平滑 HP滤波 年际增量
    100 21 12 23 5 5 13
    80 3 10 1 9 14 8
    60 0 2 0 10 5 3
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    Table  4  Parameters of meteorological yield models for Zhenjiang and Jinhu

    地区 分离方法 正相关 负相关
    气象因子 回归系数 气象因子 回归系数
    镇江 3年滑动平均 10月上旬日照时数 0.555 6月上旬最高气温
    五点二次平滑 10月上旬日照时数 0.637 6月上旬最高气温
    金湖 3年滑动平均 10月上旬日照时数 0.435 7月上旬降水 -0.456
    五点二次平滑 10月上旬日照时数 0.491 7月上旬降水 -0.395
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    • Received : 2019-10-08
    • Accepted : 2019-11-25
    • Published : 2020-01-31


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