Li Yan, Wang Zhiwei, Huo Zhiguo, et al. Experiments of water stress on root/shoot growth and yield of summer maize. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2020, 31(1): 83-94. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20200108.
Citation: Li Yan, Wang Zhiwei, Huo Zhiguo, et al. Experiments of water stress on root/shoot growth and yield of summer maize. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2020, 31(1): 83-94. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20200108.

Experiments of Water Stress on Root/Shoot Growth and Yield of Summer Maize

DOI: 10.11898/1001-7313.20200108
  • Received Date: 2019-06-18
  • Rev Recd Date: 2019-09-18
  • Publish Date: 2020-01-31
  • Drought is one of the most important meteorological disasters affecting the growth and production of maize. Dynamic changes and cumulative effect of the drought are closely related to the degree of drought, duration, and growth stages. In order to investigate effects of drought stress on maize, artificial control experiments are carried out in Yuncheng of Shanxi, Xiajin of Shandong and Gucheng of Hebei from 2013 to 2015, in which relative soil moistures are 31%-40%, 41%-50%, 51%-60%, 61%-70% and CK (71%-100%), and the growth stages are seedling-jointing, jointing-tasseling, tasseling-maturity and jointing-maturity. The root/shoot growth and yield of maize are analyzed at different drought levels, effects of rapid water consuming stage and drought maintenance stage under different drought degrees are also analyzed. The growth stage and critical thresholds sensitive to drought stress are determined. Results show that with equivalent drought level, jointing to tasseling stage is the key growth stage affecting the shoot and yield, and the tasseling stage is sensitive to drought stress. The key growth stage of root and root/shoot ratio is from emergence to jointing stage, especially the jointing stage. Under different drought degree, the dry weight of the shoot and root and root/shoot ratio all show down trend at the rapid water consuming stage, which are respectively reduced by 11.7%-67.8%, 35.2%-85.8% and 15%-62% compared to control experiments. At the drought maintenance stage, the dry weight of the shoot is in reduced by 24.3%-89.7%, but the root dry weight and the root/shoot ratio are less sensitive, which respectively decreases by 9.7%-80.8% and 9.6%-62% compared to control experiments. Regression models for drought level and yield reduction rate are established respectively for two drought stages, and are above at 0.05 significant level. The effect of the drought maintenance stage is slightly greater than that of rapid water consuming stage. At the emergence-jointing stage, the relative soil moisture is 60%-62%, which is the critical threshold for the growth of shoot and formation of a reasonable root/shoot ratio. The relative soil moisture is 51%-60% from the emergence to seven-leaf stage, which is conducive to root growth. The relative soil moisture value of 62% is a critical threshold, below which the yield will be influenced by drought. When the relative soil moisture is 31%-40% during the sensitive stage of jointing, tasseling, the yield reduction is more than 70%. When the relative soil moisture is 50%-60% and the duration is less than 8 days, the growth of root and shoot can be restored after rehydration, but the yield is reduced by 1.4%-6.6%. Results can provide basis for rational irrigation and drought dynamic assessment.
  • Fig. 1  The rate of shoot biomass in different growth stages under different water conditions

    Fig. 2  The rate of root biomass in different growth stages under different water conditions

    Fig. 3  The ratio of root/shoot rate in different growth stages under different water conditions

    Table  1  Experimental design of drought stress of maize

    土壤湿度控制水平/% 控制生育时段 试验点 处理
    31~40 出苗-拔节 山西运城 T1
    拔节-抽雄 河北固城 T2
    41~50 出苗-拔节 山东夏津 T3
    拔节-抽雄 山东夏津 T4
    抽雄-成熟 山西运城 T5
    51~60 出苗-拔节 河北固城 T6
    拔节-抽雄 山东夏津 T7
    抽雄-成熟 山西运城 T8
    61~70 出苗-拔节 山西运城 T9
    拔节-抽雄 山东夏津 T10
    拔节-成熟 河北固城 T11
    71~100 全生育期 山西运城
    注:CKi代表处理T1~T11相对应的对照CK1~CK11, i为处理编号, 下同。
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    Table  2  The change of relative soil moisture in different growth stage with different controlled water treatment

    处理 控制水平/% 开始控制 达到控制水平
    时间/d 初始值/% 时间/d 初始值/%
    T1 31~40 0 55 23 39
    T2 15 62 43 40
    T3 41~50 0 57 6 41
    T4 23 61 49 49
    T5 49 66 77 49
    T6 51~60 0 60 0 60
    T7 30 63 37 58
    T8 64 70 70 58
    T9 61~70 0 62 0 62
    T10 34 74 41 68
    T11 29 66 29 66
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    Table  3  The change of relative soil moisture at the drought maintenance stage with different controlled water treatment

    处理 结束时间/d 结束值/% 持续时间/d 下限值/% 出现时间/d 所处的生育期
    T1 45 38 22 38 30 拔节
    T2 71 36 28 31 64 抽雄
    T3 28 50 22 40 6 七叶
    T4 60 49 11 44 53 抽雄
    T5 102 45 25 43 90 乳熟
    T6 36 56 36 51 22 出苗-拔节
    T7 68 60 31 52 60 拔节-抽雄
    T8 87 60 17 58 70 乳熟
    T9 38 70 38 62 0 出苗-拔节
    T10 62 70 21 55 49 抽雄
    T11 71 50 42 50 71 拔节-乳熟
    注:出现时间、结束时间均以距出苗的日数进行统一计算, 记为出苗日数, 0 d代表出苗当天, 下同。
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    Table  4  The corresponding table between the relative soil moisture and the drought grade at the rapid water consuming stage of maize

    处理 开始控制 达到控制水平
    初始值/% 《北方夏玉米干旱等级》标准 干旱等级 初始值/% 《北方夏玉米干旱等级》标准 干旱等级
    T1 55 (50%, 60%] 轻旱 39 (35%, 40%] 重旱
    T2 62 (60%, 100%] 无旱 40 (0, 45%] 特旱
    T3 57 (50%, 60%] 轻旱 40 (40%, 50%] 中旱
    T4 61 (60%, 100%] 无旱 49 (40%, 50%] 重旱
    T5 66 (60%, 70%] 轻旱 49 (45%, 50%] 重旱
    T6 60 (60%, 100%] 无旱 60 (50%, 60%] 轻旱
    T7 63 (60%, 100%] 无旱 58 (50%, 60%] 中旱
    T8 70 (60%, 70%] 轻旱 58 (50%, 60%] 中旱
    T9 62 (60%, 100%] 无旱 62 (60%, 100%] 无旱
    T10 74 (60%, 100%] 无旱 68 (60%, 70%] 轻旱
    T11 66 (60%, 100%] 无旱 66 (60%, 100%] 无旱
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    Table  5  The corresponding table between the relative soil moisture and the drought grade at the drought maintenance stage of maize

    处理 下限值/% 《北方夏玉米干旱等级》标准 干旱等级
    T1 38 (35%, 40%] 重旱
    T2 31 (0, 45%] 特旱
    T3 40 (40%, 50%] 中旱
    T4 44 (40%, 50%] 重旱
    T5 43 (0, 45%] 特旱
    T6 51 (50%, 60%] 轻旱
    T7 52 (50%, 60%] 中旱
    T8 58 (50%, 60%] 中旱
    T9 62 (60%, 100%] 无旱
    T10 55 (50%, 60%] 中旱
    T11 50 (45%, 50%] 重旱
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    Table  6  Effects of drought stress on yield of maize under different water conditions

    控制水平/% 处理 所处的生育期 产量变化率/%
    31~40 T1 拔节 -69.2
    T2 抽雄 -100
    41~50 T3 七叶 -37.6
    T4 抽雄 -53.3
    T5 乳熟 -44.1
    51~60 T6 出苗-拔节 -39.7
    T7 拔节-抽雄 -50.8
    T8 乳熟 -19.5
    61~70 T9 出苗-拔节 0
    T10 抽雄 -6.6
    T11 拔节-乳熟 -1.4
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    • Received : 2019-06-18
    • Accepted : 2019-09-18
    • Published : 2020-01-31


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