Gong Lijuan, Li Xiufen, Tian Baoxing, et al. Spatio-temporal characteristics of drought in different growth stages of soybean in Heilongjiang. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2020, 31(1): 95-104. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20200109.
Citation: Gong Lijuan, Li Xiufen, Tian Baoxing, et al. Spatio-temporal characteristics of drought in different growth stages of soybean in Heilongjiang. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2020, 31(1): 95-104. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20200109.

Spatio-temporal Characteristics of Drought in Different Growth Stages of Soybean in Heilongjiang

DOI: 10.11898/1001-7313.20200109
  • Received Date: 2019-07-25
  • Rev Recd Date: 2019-09-06
  • Publish Date: 2020-01-31
  • Heilongjiang is one of the main growing areas of soybean in China. Due to factors such as natural geographical location and climate, drought is one of primary determinant agro-meteorological disasters which constrains growth, development and the formation of soybean yield in Heilongjiang. Utilizing soil moisture data of 32 stations and soybean growth data of 26 stations from 1981 to 2017, the frequency of different grades of droughts, average intensity of drought, and drought risk indices are calculated. Spatio-temporal characteristics are analyzed from 5 regions in Heilongjiang, based on recognized hazard indicators on disaster grades of droughts for soybean from the meteorological industry standard which is released by China Meteorological Administration in 2018. Assessment and distribution of drought risk on the basis of occurrence frequency and intensity for soybean are pertained. Results show that the occurrence frequency of light drought is higher than that of severe and excessive drought for soybean. West region is an area where drought of soybean occurs frequently, centeral region takes the second place, and the other regions have relatively fewer drought occurrences. As for drought intensity, it's the highest in centeral region, the next is in west region, and the lowest drought intensity is in norht region. Moreover, the drought intensity in three-leaf to pod-bearing stage of soybean is higher than that in early and late growth stages in east, north and west regions. While in west and south regions, drought intensity during pod-bearing to maturity stage exceeds that in early stages. Drought risk indexes are negative. The lower number of risk index correlates with greater drought risk. The highest risk area is west region, the next is centeral region, and the last is norht region. It is an opportunity to seek the use of drought risk index as an indicator of drought risk of soybean. Considering the drought risk in different growth stages of soybean, the highest drought risk periods are flowering to pod bearing stages, and the drought risk of soybean is lowest in sowing to emerging stage. Areas of medium to high drought risk lie in the west of Songnen Plain and southwest of Sanjiang Plain in space through the whole growth period of soybean. And the others are low or slight drought risk regions. These results may provide guidance for soybean drought prevention, loss reduction and planting structure adjustment in Heilongjiang. It is strongly advised to strengthen the prediction and prevention of drought, especially in critical growth stages of soybean in two main plains.
  • Fig. 1  Locations of agrometeorological stations in Heilongjiang

    Fig. 2  Water deficit of soybean during the whole growth period from 1981 to 2018 in Heilongjiang

    Fig. 3  The distribution of drought frequency for soybean during the whole growth period in Heilongjiang from 1981 to 2017

    Fig. 4  The drought frequency for soybean in different growth stages in Heilongjiang from 1981 to 2017

    Fig. 5  The distribution of soybean drought intensity in Heilongjiang from 1981 to 2018

    Fig. 6  The drought risk index of soybean in Heilongjiang from 1981 to 2017

    Fig. 7  The distribution of drought risk for soybean in different growth stages in Heilongjiang

    Table  1  Grade of soybean drought in different growth (unit: mm)

    土壤质地 等级 播种-出苗期 三真叶-分枝期 开花-结荚期 鼓粒期 成熟期
    壤土 轻旱 (-12, -0.6] (-12, -1.2] (-20, -2] (-20, -4] (-20, -4]
    中旱 (-24, -12] (-24, -12] (-30, -20] (-35, -20] (-35, -20]
    重旱 (-30, -24] (-30, -24] (-40, -30] (-50, -35] (-50, -35]
    特旱 (-∞, -30] (-∞, -30] (-∞, -40] (-∞, -50] (-∞, -50]
    黏土 轻旱 (-9, -1.5] (-9, -1.5] (-15, -2.5] (-15, -5] (-15, -5]
    中旱 (-15, -9] (-15, -9] (-25, -15] (-25, -15] (-25, -15]
    重旱 (-21, -15] (-21, -15] (-35, -25] (-35, -25] (-35, -25]
    特旱 (-∞, -21] (-∞, -21] (-∞, -35] (-∞, -35] (-∞, -35]
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    Table  2  Water deficit and its climatic tendency rate (Qd) of soybean in different growth stages

    要素 区域 播种-出苗期 三真叶-分枝期 开花-结荚期 鼓粒期 成熟期
    Qd / mm 东区 19.03 10.74 19.42 29.98 33.27
    西区 7.31 2.08 10.97 15.53 15.22
    南区 13.47 6.80 16.64 24.68 21.94
    北区 14.06 6.50 15.59 25.75 29.06
    中区 17.13 7.93 16.51 29.59 27.16
    全省 14.42 7.09 16.12 25.29 25.72
    气候倾向率/ (mm·10 a-1) 东区 0.28** 0.36** 0.51* 0.13 -0.04
    西区 0.03 0.06 0.08 0.07 0
    南区 0.05 -0.14 -0.52* -0.57* -0.80**
    北区 0.09 0.26 0.32 -0.36 -0.41
    中区 -0.13 0.02 -0.41 -0.80* -1.03**
    全省 0.08 0.12 0.03 -0.26 -0.42*
    注:*, * *分别表示达到0.05, 0.01显著性水平。
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    Table  3  The classification of drought risk index (unit:mm)

    分区 干旱风险指数
    低风险区 (-1.4, 0]
    次低风险区 (-2.8, -1.4]
    中等风险区 (-4.3, -2.8]
    次高风险区 (-7.6, 4.3]
    高风险区 (-11.0, -7.6]
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    • Received : 2019-07-25
    • Accepted : 2019-09-06
    • Published : 2020-01-31


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