Zheng Xiangdong, Cheng Haixuan. Comparison of solar ultraviolet irradiance measurements at Zhongshan Station, Antarctica. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2020, 31(4): 482-493. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20200410.
Citation: Zheng Xiangdong, Cheng Haixuan. Comparison of solar ultraviolet irradiance measurements at Zhongshan Station, Antarctica. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2020, 31(4): 482-493. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20200410.

Comparison of Solar Ultraviolet Irradiance Measurements at Zhongshan Station, Antarctica

DOI: 10.11898/1001-7313.20200410
  • Received Date: 2019-12-19
  • Rev Recd Date: 2020-03-19
  • Publish Date: 2020-07-31
  • A comparative analysis is presented on surface solar ultraviolet B (UVB) band and ultraviolet A (UVA) irradiance measured by 3 UV broadband pyranometers: FSUVA(315-400 nm), FSUVB(280-315 nm) provided by Jiangsu Radio Scientific Institute Co. LTD (CJRSI), American Yankee UVB(280-320 nm), and Brewer ozone spectrophotometer, placed at Zhongshan Station, Antarctica. Using data of Brewer ozone spectrophotometer in 2017 as a reference, results show that, for UVB(280-315 nm) irradiance, the error of FSUVB is averagely (55±75)% but its irradiance is lower during the "ozone hole" period, indicating that domestic made FSUVB broadband radiometer is less sensitive to the ozone layer thinning. Furthermore, the irradiance relative error of FSUVB shows a certain upward trend with the increase of total atmospheric ozone, indicating an over-measured UVB irradiance by the FSUVB pyranometer in regions with normal ozone concentration, such as the area of middle-low latitudes including China. As a contrast, the error of Yankee UVB (280-320 nm) is averagely (-31±22)% lower than that of Brewer measured, however, the relative error and total ozone variation are unrelated. The under-measured UVB irradiance from the Yankee UVB pyranometer is attributed to the system calibration error. Since Brewer spectral UV measurement is limited within 286.5-363 nm, a so-called UV correction factor, on the basis of empirical ratio of spectral irradiance at the wavelength longer than 363 nm to the Brewer measured irradiance at 363 nm, is applied to make up Brewer spectral irradiance gap of 363.5-400 nm with wavelength resolution of 0.5 nm for constructing Brewer entire spectral UVA (315-400 nm) irradiance. The error of FSUVA is averagely (23±59)% when Brewer UVA irradiance is used as the reference. With tropospheric Ultraviolet visible (TUV) radiation model calculations under cloud-free and the sun zenith angle (SZA)less than 80° as references, irradiance errors measured by FSUVB, Yankee UVB and FSUVA are (30±37)%, (-22±19)% and (27±6.4)%, respectively, in 197 cases, while the average of differences between Brewer and TUV calculations are respectively (3.4±8.5)% in UVB band of 286.5-315 nm, (2.9±6.8)% in UVB band of 286.5-320 nm and (3.4±4.5)% in UVA band of 315-400 nm, proving the method of Brewer UVA correction factor is rational. Again, only the relative error of FSUVB measurements referenced to TUV calculations displays an evident increasing trend with the growth of total ozone. Mechanisms of over-measured solar irradiances from both domestic made broad-band UV pyranometers are not fully identified. Calibration methods needed to be improved with consideration of variable SZA and total ozone. In addition, the stray light at longer wavelengths should have a significant influences on the pyranometer's performances and this stray light need to be eliminated in further instrument improvement. For FSUVB, its less sensitiveness to the solar UVB irradiance during the period of "ozone hole" still needs to be resolved.
  • Fig. 1  Spectral response curves of Brewer spectrophotometer, Yankee UVB, FSUVB and FSUVA pyranometers

    Fig. 2  Time series of UVB irradiance measured in 2017

    Fig. 3  Irradiance errors of FSUVB and Yankee UVB from Brewer measurements in 2017

    Fig. 4  Relative errors of UVB irradiance measured by pyranometers as a function of total ozone from Brewer measurements

    Fig. 5  Time series of UVA irradiance measured by Brewer and FSUVA in 2007

    Fig. 6  FSUVA solar UVA irradiance error(a) and the relative error(b) with the standard of Brewer measurements in 2017

    Fig. 7  The variation of TUV simulation and measured solar UV irradiances values under cloud-free sky and the SZA less than 80° at 280-315 nm, 280-320 nm and 315-400 nm at Zhongshan Station, Antarctica in 2017

    Fig. 8  Relative errors of measured UVB irradiance from TUV calculations under cloud-free sky

    Table  1  Specifications of instruments for UV irradiance measurements

    技术参数Yankee UVBFSUVBFSUVABrewer
    余弦效应< 5%[16]< 4%[25]< 7%[25]< 5%[27]
    仪器响应时间/s11.51.5< 1
    标定方法150 W Xeron arc光源
    & Zonen公司的UVS-AB-T
    光谱测值标定,363~400 nm
    稳定度/(%·a-1)未知< 5< 5< 0.5*
    背景最低信号未知< 10 mv< 10 mv5光子数
    < 10< 6< 90< 90
    日测值相对误差/%2< 10< 10< 5
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    Table  2  Statistical comparison of measured UVB, UVA irradiance and TUV calculation under cloud-free sky at Zhongshan Station, Antarctica(n=197, SZA less then 80°)

    误差280~315 nm280~320 nm315~400 nm
    BrewerFSUVBBrewerYankee UVBBrewerFSUVA
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    • Received : 2019-12-19
    • Accepted : 2020-03-19
    • Published : 2020-07-31


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