Jiang Wenjing, Liang Xudong. Application of PFI-4DVar data assimilation technique to nowcasting of numerical model. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2020, 31(5): 543-555. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20200503.
Citation: Jiang Wenjing, Liang Xudong. Application of PFI-4DVar data assimilation technique to nowcasting of numerical model. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2020, 31(5): 543-555. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20200503.

Application of PFI-4DVar Data Assimilation Technique to Nowcasting of Numerical Model

DOI: 10.11898/1001-7313.20200503
  • Received Date: 2020-06-16
  • Rev Recd Date: 2020-07-30
  • Publish Date: 2020-09-30
  • Nowcasting is mainly based on radar echo or satellite image extrapolation method. However, the prediction ability of extrapolation method decreases with time, because this method cannot describe the physical mechanism during the occurrence, development and extinction of severe convective weather systems. Considering that the prediction ability of numerical model improves with time, the nowcasting system should be based on numerical forecast model. And appropriate data assimilation technology can be used to produce a more accurate initial field, making the integral forecast results closer to the reality. The PFI-4DVar assimilation method (four-dimensional variational technology under physical filter initialization) can filter in the process of assimilation rather than model integration, thus shortening the model spin-up time and getting a more dynamic and physically coordinated analysis field. Therefore, PFI-4DVar assimilation method not only improves model prediction results, but also makes initial field closer to observations, which is very suitable for nowcasting.Using WRF model and WRFDA assimilation system, effects of PFI-4DVar on prediction ability of numerical nowcasting are explored. Through the precipitation case in North China on 11 August 2018, prediction results in control and assimilation tests are discussed. According to ETS scores, the precipitation prediction of assimilation test is closer to the observation compared with control test. The water vapor in assimilated ground and sounding data, the dynamic field in assimilated radar radial wind data and the appropriate cumulus parameterization scheme make the amplitude of divergence in high-level and convergence in low-level in analysis field of assimilation test much stronger than those in background field, thus creating vertical motion. Moreover, the precipitation of assimilation test is mainly caused by process of cumulus.A batch test is carried out on 17 precipitation cases of North China in August 2018. It shows that PFI-4DVar can significantly improve the prediction ability for short precipitation (especially large order precipitation) and timely predict the fall area of heavy rain or rainstorm. After assimilation, ETS scores of 6-hour accumulated precipitation (greater than 25.0 mm) in batch test increase from 0.125 to 0.190, and ETS scores of 6-hour accumulated precipitation (greater than 60.0 mm) increase from 0.016 to 0.081. PFI-4DVar significantly improves the precipitation nowcasting. Calculations are reduced by selecting 12-minute assimilation time window, which greatly saves computational resources. And the time of assimilation test is shortened, ensuring the time efficiency of 6-hour forecast. Therefore, PFI-4DVar can improve and enhance the prediction ability of precipitation nowcasting.
  • Fig. 1  Observed six-hour accumulated precipitation during 1200-1800 UTC on 11 Aug 2018

    Fig. 2  Six-hour accumulated precipitation in observation, CTL experiment(without data assimilation), and PFI experiment(with data assimilation) on 11 Aug 2018

    Fig. 3  One-hour accumulated precipitation in observation, CTL(control experiment without data assimilation) and PFI(data assimilation experiment) during 1200-1300 UTC, 1300-1400 UTC and 1400-1500 UTC on 11 Aug 2018

    Fig. 4  Section of relative humidity in background and analysis fields on 11 Aug 2018

    Fig. 5  Winds in the background, analysis fields and analysis increments at 850 hPa, 700 hPa and 500 hPa on 11 Aug 2018

    Fig. 6  The same as in Fig. 5, but for divergence

    Fig. 7  Averaged convective parameterization(RAINC) and averaged grid-resolvable(RAINNC) precipitation accumulated within one-hour from the 1st to the 3rd hour in observation, CTL(without data assimilation), and PFI experiment(with data assimilation) of seventeen cases in Aug 2018

    Table  1  Seventeen selected precipitation cases in North China in Aug 2018

    日期 起始时刻 6 h最大降水量/mm 有降水产生的站点总数 6 h累积降水量不大于60 mm的站点数
    2018-08-03 00:00 116.6 3536 67
    2018-08-03 12:00 131.3 3837 37
    2018-08-07 00:00 66.4 3642 2
    2018-08-08 00:00 137.0 3825 65
    2018-08-09 00:00 61.5 2479 1
    2018-08-11 12:00 137.3 3522 71
    2018-08-12 12:00 166.8 6616 112
    2018-08-13 00:00 115.1 7608 22
    2018-08-13 12:00 191.5 6624 268
    2018-08-14 00:00 172.0 4614 194
    2018-08-14 12:00 255.7 2572 67
    2018-08-16 00:00 97.0 5095 12
    2018-08-17 12:00 231.3 7707 219
    2018-08-18 00:00 258.0 7528 315
    2018-08-19 00:00 283.8 6946 174
    2018-08-19 12:00 161.0 6097 177
    2018-08-30 00:00 108.5 4473 14
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    Table  2  ETS scores of one-hour accumulated precipitation forecasts of seventeen cases in Aug 2018

    预报时间 试验 ETS评分
    0.1 mm 1.5 mm 7.0 mm 13.0 mm 40.0 mm
    第1小时 CTL 0.204 0.087 0.008 0 0
    3DV 0.203 0.081 0.007 0 0
    PFI 0.183 0.136 0.073 0.027 0
    第2小时 CTL 0.240 0.215 0.085 0.007 0
    3DV 0.242 0.201 0.082 0.009 0
    PFI 0.210 0.211 0.133 0.076 0.010
    第3小时 CTL 0.216 0.195 0.056 0.004 0
    3DV 0.221 0.188 0.069 0.009 0
    PFI 0.206 0.215 0.131 0.039 0.010
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    Table  3  ETS scores of six-hour accumulated precipitation forecasts of seventeen cases in Aug 2018

    试验 ETS评分
    0.1 mm 4.0 mm 13.0 mm 25.0 mm 60.0 mm
    CTL 0.202 0.245 0.187 0.125 0.016
    3DV 0.202 0.222 0.163 0.108 0.017
    PFI 0.181 0.241 0.210 0.190 0.081
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    Table  4  ETS scores of one-hour accumulated precipitation forecasts from the 1st to the 3rd hour on 11 Aug 2018

    预报时间 ETS评分
    0.1 mm 1.5 mm 7.0 mm
    第1小时 -0.025 0.049 -0.004 0.008 0.0 0.0
    第2小时 -0.024 0.024 -0.038 0.015 -0.015 0.014
    第3小时 0.002 0.089 -0.024 0.053 -0.014 0.042
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    • Received : 2020-06-16
    • Accepted : 2020-07-30
    • Published : 2020-09-30


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