Teng Yupeng, Chen Hongbin, Ma Shuqing, et al. The cause of night clear air echo of S-band weather radar in Beijing. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2020, 31(5): 595-607. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20200507.
Citation: Teng Yupeng, Chen Hongbin, Ma Shuqing, et al. The cause of night clear air echo of S-band weather radar in Beijing. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2020, 31(5): 595-607. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20200507.

The Cause of Night Clear Air Echo of S-band Weather Radar in Beijing

DOI: 10.11898/1001-7313.20200507
  • Received Date: 2020-04-15
  • Rev Recd Date: 2020-07-08
  • Publish Date: 2020-09-30
  • S-band weather radar can often detect a large number of clear air echoes at night. However, there are different views on the mechanism of clear air echoes. According to characteristics of biological migration, combined with L-band radiosonde data and Beijing S-band weather radar data from 1 March to 18 October in 2018, changes of clear air echo reflectivity factor in different seasons and wind directions are analyzed to discuss causes of clear air echo. Firstly, characteristics of time variation of clear air echo are analyzed. The intensity of clear air echo in Beijing increases after sunset, weakens before sunrise, and changes little at night. The intensity of echo gradually increases from March to the middle of May, then weakens from July to the first ten days in August, and maintains at a high level since September. In vertical profiles, the fluctuation of high-level echoes, up to the altitude of 2 kilometers, is larger than that of low-level echoes, with an obviously seasonal variation. Secondly, by comparing the relationship between the wind direction and radar data in different periods of time, it is found that the echo is not consistent with the biological activity regularity. The entropy of radar data gray level co-occurrence matrix is also calculated, and there is no rule to follow the biology. Therefore, it is considered that the turbulence is the dominant cause of night clear air echo in Beijing. And then, radiosonde data show that the temperature lapse rate and wind shear are consistent with the seasonal variation of combined reflectivity factor at the altitude from 1 to 2 km. Finally, possible influence factors of clear air echo are inferred based on some phenomena observed.
  • Fig. 1  Beijing S-band weather radar clear-air echo reflectivity factor at 2000 BT in 2018 (a)1 Apr, (b)1 Jun, (c)1 Aug, (d)1 Oct

    Fig. 2  Composite reflectivity of Beijing S-band weather radar

    (a)from 1400 BT 1 Apr to 1100 BT 2 Apr in 2018, (b)from 1400 BT 1 Jun to 1100 BT 2 Jun in 2018, (c)from 1400 BT 1 Oct to 1100 BT 2 Oct in 2018

    Fig. 3  The vertical distribution of Beijing S-band weather radar reflectivity at 2300 BT from 1 Mar to 18 Oct in 2018

    Fig. 4  Hourly composite reflectivity of Beijing S-band weather radar from 2100 BT to next 0200 BT during 1 Mar-18 Oct in 2018

    Fig. 5  The number of days of Beijing S-band radar reflectivity factor appearing in different wind directions and different periods from 1 Mar to 18 Oct in 2018

    (a)at altitude of 100 m, (b)at altitude of 750 m, (c)at altitude of 1.5 km

    Fig. 6  The entropy of gray level co-occurrence matrix of Beijing S-band radar data at altitudes of 100 m, 750 m and 1.5 km at 2300 BT from 1 Mar to 18 Oct in 2018

    Fig. 7  Night-time radiosonde data in Beijing from 1 Mar to 18 Oct in 2018

    (a)Richardson number, (b)temperature(unit:℃), (c)relative humidity(unit:%), (d)wind speed(unit: m·s-1), (e)temperature vertical decline rate(unit:℃·(100 m)-1), (f)horizontal wind shear(unit:(m·s-1)·(100 m)-1)

    Fig. 8  The mean value of 2000 BT temperature vertical decline rate(a) and horizontal wind shear(b) of height from 1 km to 2 km in Beijing from 1 Mar to 18 Oct in 2018

    Table  1  The mean value of reflectivity factor of clear air echo in northward migration period(Mar-Jul) and southward migration period(Aug-Oct) (unit:dBZ)

    高度 南迁 北迁
    北风天气 南风天气 北风天气 南风天气
    100 m 13.9 13.9 10.2 10.1
    750 m 11.6 9.5 6.5 7.2
    1.5 km 12.0 8.2 4.5 8.2
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    • Received : 2020-04-15
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    • Published : 2020-09-30


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