Bai Qinfeng, Wang Jinghong, Li Hualong, et al. Freezing injury indicator of tasty kiwifruit during overwintering period. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2021, 32(4): 504-512. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20210411.
Citation: Bai Qinfeng, Wang Jinghong, Li Hualong, et al. Freezing injury indicator of tasty kiwifruit during overwintering period. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2021, 32(4): 504-512. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20210411.

Freezing Injury Indicator of Tasty Kiwifruit During Overwintering Period

DOI: 10.11898/1001-7313.20210411
  • Received Date: 2021-04-02
  • Rev Recd Date: 2021-05-25
  • Publish Date: 2021-07-31
  • China has the largest artificial planting area of kiwifruit, of which 67% is tasty kiwifruit. Tasty kiwifruit is mainly distributed in the north foot of Qinling Mountains in Shaanxi Province (about 40% of the national kiwifruit industry scale), and Funiu Mountain and Tongbai Mountain in Henan Province (about 20% of the national kiwifruit industry scale). These two producing areas locate in the northern edge of China's kiwifruit planting area, where the risk of overwintering freezing injury is high to cause great economic losses to fruit farmers. Therefore, it is especially important to study the freezing injury indicator of tasty kiwifruit for the introduction and expansion of tasty kiwifruit, disaster prevention and mitigation, and stable development of the industry.Through disaster investigation, expert interview, data research and other methods, 7 large-scale freezing injury cases of tasty kiwifruit in 1991, 2002, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2015 and 2020 are selected. The disaster cases of four counties, namely Huyi, Zhouzhi, Meixian and Tongbai are used as samples. The critical occurrence indicator of the overwintering freezing injury of tasty kiwifruit is determined as -8.0 ℃. The low temperature indicator (TD) of mild, moderate and severe freezing injury of tasty kiwifruit are determined as follows: -12.0 ℃ < TD ≤ -8.0 ℃, -15.0 ℃ < TD ≤ -12.0 ℃, and TD ≤ -15.0 ℃. Four factors are defined as: Winter minimum temperature (X1), days of low temperature below -8.0 ℃ (X2), absolute value of negative accumulated temperature below -8 ℃ (X3), and process harmful accumulated cold below -8 ℃ (X4). Using principal component analysis and K-means clustering analysis, the comprehensive indicator (Ih) of tasty kiwifruit overwintering freezing injury is constructed, and the ranges of Ih for different levels of freezing injury are as follows: -2.08 < Ih ≤ 0.82 for mild freezing injury, 0.82 < Ih ≤ 2.15 for moderate freezing injury, and Ih>2.15 for severe freezing injury. The indicators mentioned above are verified by the freezing injury cases of tasty kiwifruit in Changan, Wugong and Xixia counties. The results show that low temperature indicators and comprehensive indicators of overwintering freezing injury of tasty kiwifruit are basically consistent with the actual situation. The results can support the prevention and evaluation of the freezing injury of tasty kiwifruit during overwintering period, and also can provide reference for industrial layout optimization and introduction of tasty kiwifruit in China.
  • Table  1  Geography and climate in main cultivation counties of tasty kiwifruit

    栽培县 地理位置 海拔/m 11月—次年2月最低气温/℃
    鄠邑 34.1°N, 108.6°E 411.0 -14.5
    周至 34.1°N, 108.2°E 436.0 -14.3
    眉县 34.3°N, 107.7°E 517.6 -16.1
    长安 34.1°N, 108.9°E 445.0 -17.4
    武功 34.3°N, 108.2°E 471.0 -17.7
    桐柏 32.4°N, 113.4°E 153.0 -16.8
    西峡 33.3°N, 111.5°E 250.3 -11.5
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    Table  2  Minimum temperatures and damage rates of overwintering freezing injury of tasty kiwifruit

    越冬期 鄠邑 眉县 周至 桐柏
    最低气温/℃ 灾损率/% 最低气温/℃ 灾损率/% 最低气温/℃ 灾损率/% 最低气温/℃ 灾损率/%
    1991年 -13.5 70 -15.6 70 -14.3 70 -16.8 70
    2002年 -11 50 -16.1 70 -11.7 30 -8.2 30
    2007年 -9.5 30 -12.1 30 -10.4 30 -11.3 50
    2009年 -6.3 0 -9.7 30 -8.5 30 -6.6 0
    2011年 -8.7 30 -14.1 30 -13.7 50 -7.4 30
    2015年 -14.0 50 -12.3 30 -12.4 30 -10.2 30
    2020年 -11.2 30 -11.2 30 -11.5 30 -8.8 30
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    Table  3  Low temperature indicators and symptoms of overwintering freezing injury of tasty kiwifruit

    级别 低温指标 主要冻害症状表现
    轻度 -12.0℃<TD≤-8.0℃ 树体有部分一年生枝脱水皱缩,或虽没有表现皱缩,但切断枝条髓部表现褐色,其他部位基本不受影响;整个树体春季大部分枝条能正常萌芽;对当年减产影响小于30%
    中度 -15.0℃<TD≤-12.0℃ 树体上部大部分枝条脱水皱缩,或虽没有表现皱缩,但切断枝条髓部表现褐色;部分主杆受冻,树皮开裂;春季部分枝条不能正常萌芽,个别主杆受冻严重的树死亡;对当年减产影响小于50%
    重度 TD≤-15.0℃ 树体上部几乎所有枝条脱水皱缩,切断枝条髓部表现深褐色;多数主杆受冻开裂;春季地上部几乎所有枝蔓死亡,春季不能萌发新叶,部分枝蔓基部可发出萌蘖,部分植株整株死亡;对当年减产影响50%以上
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    Table  4  Disaster factors and damage rates of overwintering freezing injury of tasty kiwifruit at Zhouzhi, Meixian, Huyi and Tongbai

    受灾县(区) 越冬期 X1/℃ X2/d X3/(℃·d) X4/(℃·d) L/%
    1991年 -14.3 8 17.5 1.06 70
    2002年 -11.7 5 4.8 0.34 30
    2007年 -10.4 4 3.5 0.21 30
    周至 2009年 -8.5 2 0.5 0.02 30
    2011年 -13.7 6 12.3 0.60 50
    2015年 -12.4 6 15.3 0.74 30
    2020年 -11.5 6 10.1 1.09 30
    1991年 -15.6 8 23.3 1.47 70
    2002年 -16.1 12 36.4 1.90 70
    2007年 -12.1 11 14.8 0.86 30
    眉县 2009年 -9.7 9 6.3 0.30 30
    2011年 -14.1 8 21.0 0.93 30
    2015年 -12.3 5 10.8 0.56 30
    2020年 -11.2 5 6.4 0.70 30
    1991年 -13.5 6 12.7 0.82 70
    2002年 -11.0 5 4.7 0.35 50
    2007年 -9.5 2 2.3 0.15 30
    鄠邑 2009年 -6.3 0 0.0 0.00 0
    2011年 -8.7 1 0.7 0.05 30
    2015年 -14.0 5 17.1 0.80 50
    2020年 -11.2 6 11.5 0.83 30
    1991年 -16.8 6 19.1 0.81 70
    2002年 -8.2 2 0.3 0.01 30
    2007年 -11.3 4 5.0 0.21 50
    桐柏 2009年 -6.6 0 0.0 0.00 0
    2011年 -7.4 0 0.0 0.00 30
    2015年 -10.2 2 3.3 0.13 30
    2020年 -8.8 2 1.1 0.04 30
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    Table  5  The correlations between the disaster factors and the damage rates of overwintering freezing injury of tasty kiwifruit

    要素 X1/℃ X2/d X3/(℃·d) X4/(℃·d) L/%
    X1/℃ 1 -0.782 -0.895 -0.851 -0.823
    X2/d 1 0.838 0.843 0.575
    X3/(℃·d) 1 0.948 0.680
    X4/(℃·d) 1 0.654
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    Table  6  The low temperature indicators, comprehensive indicators and damage rates of overwintering freezing injury of tasty kiwifruit at Wugong, Changan and Xixia

    越冬期 武功 长安 西峡
    TD/℃ Ih L/% TD/℃ Ih L/% TD/℃ Ih L/%
    1991年 -17.7 2.79 70 -17.3 2.94 70 -11.5 -1.10 30
    2002年 -12.1 0.22 30 -15.0 1.62 50 -8.0 -2.14 30
    2007年 -12.1 0.87 30 -12.7 0.63 30 -6.7 -2.43 0
    2009年 -9.0 -1.08 30 -10.6 -0.05 30 -7.5 -2.33 0
    2011年 -13.1 0.27 30 -12.7 -0.14 30 -6.2 -2.50 0
    2015年 -14.9 1.82 50 -17.4 2.70 70 -7.0 -2.39 0
    2020年 -12.9 1.34 30 -13.9 1.38 50 -7.0 -2.44 0
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    • Received : 2021-04-02
    • Accepted : 2021-05-25
    • Published : 2021-07-31


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