Wang Xuewen, Tan Yongbo, Lin Yuhe, et al. Optimization and simulation of leader propagation rate ratio in multiple upward leader model. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2024, 35(2): 237-246. DOI: 10.11898/1001-7313.20240209.
Citation: Wang Xuewen, Tan Yongbo, Lin Yuhe, et al. Optimization and simulation of leader propagation rate ratio in multiple upward leader model. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2024, 35(2): 237-246. DOI: 10.11898/1001-7313.20240209.

Optimization and Simulation of Leader Propagation Rate Ratio in Multiple Upward Leader Model

More Information
  • During the process of cloud-to-ground lightning connection, the propagation of downward leader to the near-ground area can elevate the electric field at one or several points on the surface of ground tip object to the breakdown threshold of surrounding air, initiating one or more upward leaders, which are known as multiple upward leaders. The emergence of tall buildings has led to an increase in the number of observations of upward lightning strikes on different buildings or the same building. The presence of multiple upward leaders means that multiple parts of the building may be struck. Conducting simulation experiments to study the mechanism of the multiple upward leader phenomenon is of great significance for developing lightning protection. The relative velocity ratio of the downward and upward leaders may be one of the key factors in the lightning connection process. The relative speed ratio of leader propagation in random lightning connection mode cannot accurately describe the relative distance ratio of downward and upward leader propagation. Taking into account the optical observation facts and the electric field environment during thunderstorms, the background electric field module setting is improved on the basis of the existing three-dimensional random mode for multiple upward leaders. It also incorporates a relative propagation speed module for the downward negative and upward positive leaders, establishing the relative propagation speed of leaders according to their propagation distance. Applying the new model to simulate multiple upward leader phenomena triggered by a flat-roofed single building, compared with the previous version, parameters of the new model, such as flash distance and upward leader length, show better consistency with natural lightning. On this basis, the lightning connection process on the high-rise buildings in the Pearl River New Town is simulated, and the improved model can more accurately replicate the lightning occurrence patterns of complex buildings. Characteristic parameters of lightning strikes on urban building clusters are mainly determined by factors such as the shape characteristics, relative position, and relative height of each building. The distance at which lightning strikes buildings is positively correlated with their height. The probability of lightning strikes, the distance of lightning strikes, and other parameters of buildings with similar shapes in the same building group are relatively consistent during ground lightning activities. However, there are still special events that occur when a branch of the downward leader is in close spatial proximity to the building, causing the upward leader to initiate at the top of the building and connect to it.
  • Fig  1.   Schematic diagram of relative development of leaders

    (the black geometric body denotes the building, the blue line denotes the development for downward negative leader, the black line denotes the development of a positive leading channel for the upward positive leader, the red line denotes the new development of downward and upward leader points within this time step)

    Fig  2.   Comparison of simulated cloud-to-ground lightning cases before and after model modification

    (the black geometric body denotes the building, the blue line denotes the downward negative leader, the red line denotes the upward positive leader, similarly hereinafter) (a)before model improved, (b)after the background electric field module in the model improved, (c)after the background electric field and leader relative propagation module of the model improved

    Fig  3.   Simulation of a cloud-to-ground lightning case

    Table  1   Statistical results of striking distance and upward leader length at different building heights before and after model improved

    建筑物高度/m 闪击距/m 上行先导最大长度/m
    改进前 改进后 改进前 改进后
    100 25~166.6 89.2~229.9 5~76 79~187
    200 25~261.2 263.9~456.7 12~159 165~282
    300 30~306.8 332.8~520.8 17~267 213~418
    400 30~317.1 404.4~613.8 22~345 376~489
    500 30~330.2 412.4~737.0 21~378 405~549
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    Table  2   Comparison of observations and simulation results of high-rise buildings in the Pearl River New Town, Guangzhou

    建筑物 高度/m 观测 模拟
    平均2D闪击距/m 仅1个上行连接先导的概率/% 平均3D闪击距/m 仅1个上行连接先导的概率/%
    广州塔 600 920 82 679.8 73
    东塔 530 280 36 344.3 14
    西塔 440 590 89 205.0 58
    广晟国际大厦 360 530 91 367.9 84
    珠江城 318 244.8 20
    利通大厦 310 241.0 0
    越秀金融大厦 310 175.5 0
    富力盈凯大厦 303
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    Article views207 PDF downloads20 Cited by: 2
    • Received : 2023-11-28
    • Accepted : 2024-01-24
    • Published : 2024-03-26


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