Ma Xincheng, Bi Kai, Wang Fei, et al. Cloud observation by aircraft during dust storms. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2024, 35(3): 323-336. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20240306.
Citation: Ma Xincheng, Bi Kai, Wang Fei, et al. Cloud observation by aircraft during dust storms. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2024, 35(3): 323-336. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20240306.

Cloud Observation by Aircraft During Dust Storms

DOI: 10.11898/1001-7313.20240306
  • Received Date: 2023-11-01
  • Rev Recd Date: 2024-01-31
  • Publish Date: 2024-05-31
  • Aerosols influence cloud microphysical properties by acting as cloud condensation nuclei and ice nuclei. Aerosols have the potential to modify the location and intensity of precipitation by changing cloud properties. However, identifying precipitation changes induced by aerosols remains a significant challenge for current research. Dust aerosol carried by dust storms is an important source of ice nuclei. China and Mongolia are the primary desert regions in Asia and the world. The Mongolian cyclone in northern China is one of the significant weather systems that cause sandstorms in both countries. Studying the impact of dust aerosols on clouds under the weather conditions of Mongolian cyclones and sandstorms is of great significance. Due to challenges of aerial observations during dust storms, the impact of dust aerosols on clouds is minimal during Mongolian cyclone dust storms. In order to investigate the impact of dust aerosols on clouds, a study is conducted based on the comprehensive observation experiment of clouds in Beijing Area carried out by Beijing Weather Modification Center. An extremely rare case of strong sandstorm weather caused by a Mongolian cyclone and cold front is observed on 24 April 2009. The vertical macro and micro physical structure characteristics of dust cloud and clean cloud are compared and analyzed, and the potential influence of dust aerosols on clouds is discussed. Results show that dust aerosol transfers from China-Mongolia areas is an important source of ice nuclei in North China. It can be transfered vertically to a height of 3200 meters above the cloud top. The concentration of ice nuclei in the dust background area is significantly increased by 10 times compared to that in the clean background area. This increase further affects the microphysical structure of cumulus and stratocumulus clouds with high cloud top temperatures (-6 ℃ to -3 ℃) by altering the process of ice crystal formation. At the same temperature, the average concentration of ice crystals in the dust cloud increases significantly by nearly 10 times compared to that in the clean cloud. The liquid water content is reduced, leading to the formation of a large number of small ice crystal particles in the cloud. It inhibits the rime process and results in a significant reduction in the average concentration of precipitation particles compared to that in the clean cloud. Additionally, the spectral width of cloud droplets, ice and snow crystals, and precipitation particles is significantly narrower than that in the clean cloud. It will eventually weaken the precipitation, which will have a significant impact on the weather and climate in North China. It is helpful to enhance our understanding of the indirect effects of aerosols.
  • Fig. 1  Monitoring by FY-3A meteorological satellite at 1035 BT 23 Apr(a) and at 1010 BT 24 Apr(b) in 2009(the black circle denotes vertical detection area of Zhangjiakou by aircraft)

    Fig. 2  Time series of altitude, temperature(a) and aerosol particle spectrum outside the cloud (the shaded denotes aerosol number concentration)(the blank denotes the aerosol in the cloud cannot be measured, similarly hereinafter) (b) during climbing stage on 24 Apr 2009

    Fig. 3  Time series of altitude, temperature(a) and aerosol particle spectrum outside the cloud (the shaded denotes aerosol number concentration) (b) during declining stage on 24 Apr 2009

    Fig. 4  Vertical distribution of aerosol number concentration and calculated cloud condensation nucleus and ice nucleus concentration(a), aerosol spectrum (the shaded denotes aerosol number concentration) and effective diameter (the black dot) (b), temperature and liquid water content(c) under dust background

    Fig. 5  Vertical distribution of aerosol number concentration and calculated cloud condensation nucleus and ice nucleus number concentration(a), aerosol spectrum (the shaded denotes aerosol number concentration) and effective diameter (the black dot) (b), temperature and liquid water content(c) under cleaning background

    Fig. 6  Vertical distribution of cloud droplet number concentration (the black dot) and spectral distribution (the shaded denotes number concentration) (a), ice crystal number concentration (the black dot) and spectral distribution (the shaded denotes number concentration) (b), precipitation particle number concentration (the black dot) and spectral distribution (the shaded denotes number concentration) (c) under dust background (the black line denotes number concentration, similarly hereinafter)

    Fig. 7  Example CIP images on cloud top(a), cloud middle(b), and cloud bottom(c) under dust background (the width of each horizontal strip is 1550 μm, the sampling time of each horizontal strip is hour: minute: second, similarly hereinafter)

    Fig. 8  Vertical distribution of cloud droplet number concentration (the black dot) and spectral distribution (the shaded denotes number concentration) (a), ice crystal number concentration (the black dot) and spectral distribution (the shaded denotes number concentration) (b), precipitation particle number concentration (the black dot) and spectral distribution (the shaded denotes number concentration) (c) during declining stage

    Fig. 9  Example CIP images on cloud top(a), middle and upper cloud(b), cloud middle(c), and cloud bottom(d) during declining stage

    Fig. 10  Example CIP images under cloud during declining stage

    Table  1  Parameterization schemes of ice nucleus concentration(N) with temperature(T) and aerosols concentration(n0.5)

    参数化方案 参数化公式 观测地点
    D10 ND10=0.0000594×(-T)3.33×n0.5-0.0264×T+0.0033 全球多站平均
    D15 ND15=n0.51.25×e-0.46×T-11.6
    K19 NK19=0.0026×(-T)2.3816×n0.5-0.0256×T-0.0250 华北山区
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    • Received : 2023-11-01
    • Accepted : 2024-01-31
    • Published : 2024-05-31


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