Wang Wei, Fang Zongyi. Review of duststorm weather and research progress. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2004, 15(3): 366-381.
Citation: Wang Wei, Fang Zongyi. Review of duststorm weather and research progress. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2004, 15(3): 366-381.


  • Received Date: 2003-02-18
  • Rev Recd Date: 2003-05-14
  • Publish Date: 2004-06-30
  • Duststorm is a weather phenomenon near the desertification area. It is formed as a result of nature factors and human activities. Nature factors include high wind, decreasing precipitation and enough sand sources. Human activities result in increasing of duststorm by decreasing vegetation covers in semiarid and arid region during the economical development. The main aspect of the paper is influences of the nature factors, which includes seven aspect of duststorm research. For example, sand distributions and path of duststorm in East-Asia, duststorm periodic variation, the influences of climatic change, a variety of weather system of making duststorm, mechanism of dust emission, utilizing of satellite image and wind erosion model. The present main research results are introduced in detail. In addition, several problems of duststorm research are discussed.
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    • Received : 2003-02-18
    • Accepted : 2003-05-14
    • Published : 2004-06-30


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