Wei Min, Luo Yong, Wang Lanning, et al. A study on the optimum algorithm of global ocean-atmosphere coupled models. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2005, 16(3): 408-412.
Wei Min, Luo Yong, Wang Lanning, et al. A study on the optimum algorithm of global ocean-atmosphere coupled models. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2005, 16(3): 408-412.
Wei Min, Luo Yong, Wang Lanning, et al. A study on the optimum algorithm of global ocean-atmosphere coupled models. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2005, 16(3): 408-412.
Wei Min, Luo Yong, Wang Lanning, et al. A study on the optimum algorithm of global ocean-atmosphere coupled models. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2005, 16(3): 408-412.
The continuous development of climate model proposes higher requirements to better performance of computers. How to improve the capability of climate model running on current-stage computer resources becomes more and more urgent. The article is devoted to the optimization of Ocean-atmosphere Coupled Model via an editor or manually. It is shown that the optimized Global Ocean-atmosphere Coupled Model can raise the efficiency of the model operation by 60%, indicating that the optimization can help improve the performance of the model.