Citation: | Li Qiaoping, Ding Yihui, Dong Wenjie. A numerical study on effects of the soil moisture upon the regional short-term climate. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2007, 18(1): 1-11. |
Fig. 4 Time evolvement of average variables difference between wet soil experiment and control run
(reticle curve denotes precipitation, unit: mm·d-1; open circle curve denotes surface humidity, unit: g/kg; solid circle curve denotes surface run off, unit: mm; open pane curve denotes surface air temperature, unit:℃)
Fig. 8 Time evolvement of average variables difference between dry soil experiment and control run
(reticle curve denotes precipitation, unit: mm·d-1; open circle curve denotes surface humidity, unit: g/kg; solid circle curve denotes surface run off, unit: mm; open pane curve denotes surface air temperature, unit:℃)
Fig. 9 Time evolvement of surface heat fluxes difference between experiments and control run (unit: W·m-2)
(a) wet soil experiment, (b) dry soil experiment (reticle curve denotes net long wave radiation, open circle curve denotes net short wave radiation, solid circle curve denotes sensible heat flux, and open pane curve denotes latent heat flux)
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