Zhang Aimin, Ma Xiaoqun, Yang Taiming, et al. The influence of drought and waterlogging disasters on crop yields in Anhui Province. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2007, 18(5): 619-626.
Citation: Zhang Aimin, Ma Xiaoqun, Yang Taiming, et al. The influence of drought and waterlogging disasters on crop yields in Anhui Province. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2007, 18(5): 619-626.

The Influence of Drought and Waterlogging Disasters on Crop Yields in Anhui Province

  • Received Date: 2006-06-05
  • Rev Recd Date: 2007-01-04
  • Publish Date: 2007-10-31
  • Anhui Province is located in the north south climate transition zone. Meteorological disasters occur frequently. Particularly, drought, flood and waterlogging are verYharmful to agricultural production. According to the terrain, climate and agriculture characteristics, focusing on key meteorological disasters in drought, flood and waterlogging, and the main crops of wheat and rice, by use of agronomic and disaster information of Anhui Province since the founding of the PRC and weather data since the establishment of weather stations of the whole province and other data, drought and flood disasters identify criteria of climate are established by applying statistical climate analysis, the distribution of drought and flood disasters are analyzed, the impact of drought and flood disasters on wheat and rice is quantitatively analyzed, drought and flood disaster damage assessment models and index and achieve real time monitoring of Anhui drought and flood disaster assessment are established.The drought and flood levels identify criteria of Anhui Province are established and divided into 10 levels each by use of Z index. Crop loss rate (YD) shows the difference rate between the actual yield and tendency yield. By analyzing typical drought and flood years of rice(single season rice)and wheat, it is found that drought and flood occurring at different times have different impact on yield. Considering the meteorological conditions and drought and flood extent during the whole growth of wheat and rice from planting to harvest, and taking into account the critical periods of different regions, disaster stricken meteorology index and standard of Z index classification of drought and flood disasters, the degree of drought and flood disasters are classified. Since spring waterlogging is the major meteorological disaster which influences winter wheat production in Anhui Province, therefore evaluating wheat yield loss by the spring waterlogging is studied. The dankness index Q proposed bYhuang Yuhua is modified in the article. New waterlogging index Qw which takes in to account the precipitation, rainfall days and sunshine time is proposed by which the characteristics of flood and waterlogging's damage can be better reflected. Spring flood and waterlogging are the major disasters which mainly affect winter wheat yield. TheYDo more harm to wheat yield than drought, particularly the flood and waterlogging occurring in April and MaYhave the worst impact on yield which can cause heavy losses up to 40%. The influence on crop yield by flood and waterlogging disaster is not only related to precipitation but also to rainfall duration and distribution. Precipitation and flood and waterlogging index Qwz is the yield loss quantitative criterion for the analysis of the typical years. Crop loss rate is not only closely related to the crop sensitivity to the disasters, but also to the regional vulnerability. The crop loss rate is different due to the difference of sensitivity and adaptability of crops planted under the same disasters. In order to consider the influence of regional difference on disaster assessment, the trend relative frangibility factor method is proposed. Using this method the assessment error which is induced by the difference of regional disaster resisting ability can be reduced. The winter wheat loss rate from 1961 to 2000 has been revised and tested for the regional disaster vulnerability factor, and some specific cases have been analyzed. After correcting regional vulnerability, fitting errors in average and diversity variations have been remarkably reduced.
  • Fig. 1  The grades of the drought and the waterlogging disasters in Anhui Province during 1960— 2000

    Fig. 2  The assessment result of the waterlogging disasters influence on wheat in Huaibei region(a)no correctted,(b)the correctted

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    • Received : 2006-06-05
    • Accepted : 2007-01-04
    • Published : 2007-10-31


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