Pan Jinjun, Bai Meilan. Ice runs of the Yellow River and its defense in Inner Mongolia. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2008, 19(1): 106-110. .
Citation: Pan Jinjun, Bai Meilan. Ice runs of the Yellow River and its defense in Inner Mongolia. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2008, 19(1): 106-110. .

Ice Runs of the Yellow River and Its Defense in Inner Mongolia

More Information
  • Ice run is a kind of nature disaster mainly induced by meteorological factors. The regions along the Yellow River bank in Inner Mongolia are frequently influenced by the disaster and it may result in losses of properties and menace to human safety. The disaster's characters, forming mechanism, occurrence prone period, tendency prediction as well as hazard estimation are studied and analyzed. Based on these analyses, some conclusions are obtained as follow. The ice run is a kind of special natural disasters resulted from both the climatic and geographical factors in specific area; the ice run occurs only in ice river's opening and closing periods which are about one month long respectively in spring and autumn season; with the global warming trend, the ice river opening time is becoming earlier and the closing time is being postponed gradually, so the disaster's hazards will increase; according to both the disaster particularity and its present defending situation, some countermeasures are proposed to be taken such as strengthening the infrastructure project construction, and the disaster forecasting and monitoring system construction as well as paying attention to enhance the public prevention awareness etc.
  • Fig  1.   The distribution of the Yellow River bank in Inner Mongolia

    Fig  2.   The ice thawing trend variation of Dengkou station

    Fig  3.   The ice closing trend variation of Dengkou station

    (January in the figure refers to that of the next year)

    Table  1   The geographical and temperature features of the major stations along the Yellow River bank from Lanzhou to Inner Mongolia

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    Table  2   The gradient and curvature of each section along the Yellow River bank from Lanzhou to Inner Mongolia

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    Table  3   The stations and its temperature features of the major stations along the Yellow River bank in Inner Mongolia

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    Article views3792 PDF downloads2294 Cited by: 
    • Received : 2006-12-17
    • Accepted : 2007-07-10
    • Published : 2008-02-28


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