Citation: | Wang Yue, Jiang Zhihong, Zhang Qiang, et al. Evaluating aridity and wetness of the wheat with Palmer moisture anomaly index in the east of Northwest China. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2008, 19(3): 342-349. |
Table 1 The information about selected stations in the east of Northwest China
Table 2 Values of I PMA and Z index as well as type of drought and flood
Table 3 Evaluated results of flood/drought for IPMA in Yan'an
Table 4 The monthly averaged water balance values over the historical record for Yan'an (unit:mm)
Table 5 The monthly values of four water balance coefficients for Yan'an
Table 6 Weighting factor K for dryness/wetness and K′ for climatic characteristic
Table 7 The monthly values of each water balance variable for Yan'an from July 1982 to June 1983 (unit:mm)
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