Citation: | Xu Huanbin, Tian Liqing. Physical meanings of "cave channel" in strong convective storm with its application. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2008, 19(3): 372-379. |
Fig. 1 (a) Schematic of "cave channal"(CC), (b) the 3D growth-travel trajectories of three large hailstones growing up, (c) the 2D growth-travel trajectories of a large hailstones concentrated to the "CC"(projection to the vertical cross section, y=22;* represents the starting loation; dashed lines present trajectories projected to the section), (d) the profile of verticle wind speed and particles at the equilibrium state with their terminal velocities respectively
Fig. 2 Vertical section showing features of the visual cloud boundaries of the Fleming storm[9] with " zero line" of horizontal wind (ZLHW) analyzed by the author
Fig. 3 Vertical section showing features of the reflectivity factor and the particles distribution of a hailstorm[10]
Fig. 6 Same as in Fig.5a, but for the terminal velocities of partices equal the half as much as normal terminal velocity
Fig. 8 Same as in Fig. 7, but for the terminal velocities of partices equal the half as much as normal terminal velocity
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