Citation: | Bi Yanmeng, Mao Jietai, Mao Hui. Tropospheric water vapor profiles using GPS network in Hainan. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2008, 19(4): 412-419. |
Fig. 4 Tomographic results from different a priori information versus observations by radiosonde
(line with cross-shaped symbol is the first plan using radiosonde in 321 day of year as a priori values; line with circle symbol represents the second plan using the latest radiosonde before this time as a priori information; line with square symbol is the third plan using a priori information from average radionsonde; line with diamond symbol shows the single radiosonde in day 325)
Fig. 6 Scatterplots of GPS tomography, a priori information and radiosonde on Nov 21, 2005
(diamond symbol denotes comparison between a priori information and radiosonde, solid line is fitting line passing origin; triangle symbol denotes the results from GPS and radiosonde; dashed line is fitting line passing origin)
Table 1 Tomographic statistics results of different resolutions
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