Citation: | Zhao Liang, Ding Yihui. Sources and transfer of high isentropic potential vorticity during Meiyu period. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2008, 19(6): 697-709. |
Fig. 1 The climatological mean IPV distributions on the 315 K isentropic surface(solid lines:IPV, unit:PVU, 1 PVU=10-6m2·K·s-1·kg-1, the same hereinafter)(a), height and temperature fields at 700 hPa(solid lines:height, unit:gpm; dot lines:temperature, unit:K)during Meiyu period(b), evolution of area-averaged IPV over 35°-60°N, 110°E-180°from pentad 32 to 42, meridion-pressure cross-section of PV(solid lines)and potentia l temperature(thicked dashed lines, unit:K)averaged over 110°-120°E during Meiyu period(d), and the 315 K IPV(contour), wind vector and rainfall intensity(shaded)ave raged during Jul 16-Jul 31, 1998(e)(dashed lines denote the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau with the altitude≥3000 min Fig.a, Fig.b, Fig.e, and in Fig.d shadow part denotes terrain too)
Fig. 4 The meridion-isentropic surface section of IPV anomalies in the 10-90-day band(shaded areas:positive, dashed lines:negative, respectively being-0.02, -0.05 and-0.2 PVU contours from interior to exterior, unit:PVU), unfiltered meridional winds(arrow heads, unit :m/s), potential height(thin lines, unit : 103 g pm)and the tropopause(unfiltered thickened 2 PVU lines)averaged over 100°-130°E from pentad 30 to 38
Fig. 5 The meridion-time(averaged over 100°-150°E)(a)/ zone-time(averaged over 40°-70°N)(b)section of the cross correlations(thin solid curves, 0.27 solid curves denote the range of 95% confidence level, 0.60 solid curves denote high correlation areas)between 345 K IPV and area-aver aged rainfall anomalies in the 10-90-day band and IPV anomalies(shaded areas)in the same band at 345 K from May 24 to July 23
Fig. 6 The cross correlations(thin solid lines, respectively being 0.35 and 0.60 from interior to exterior, herein 0.35 standing for the range of 99% confidence level)between 345 K IPV and area-averaged rainfall anomalies in the 10-90-day band and IPV anomalies(shaded areas)in the same band at 345 K from
Fig. 7 The same as in Fig.6, but at 315 K from Jun 3 to July 8
thickened dashed lines denote the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau with the altitude≥3000 m
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