Citation: | Shen Shuanghe, Zhao Xiaoyan, Yang Shenbin, et al. Case study of lst distribution in Nanjing based on aster data. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2009, 20(4): 458-464. |
Fig. 2 Result of LST rerieved based on ASTER data at 10:30 21 Auguest 2002 in Nanjing area(unit:℃)
(the region shown in Fig.2:Ⅰ-Yangzi; Ⅱ-Nangang; Ⅲ-Qiaobei; Ⅳ-Zhongyangmen; Ⅴ-east bus station; Ⅵ-Xinjiekou; Ⅶ-Zhonghuaman; Ⅷ-west city of Qinhuai River; Ⅸ-Zijin Mountain; Ⅹ-Xuanwu Lake; Ⅺ-Yangtze River)
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