Liu Hong, Guo Wenli, Quan Weijun. Climatic division of the types and yields of grassland in Inner Mongolia. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2011, 22(3): 329-335.
Citation: Liu Hong, Guo Wenli, Quan Weijun. Climatic division of the types and yields of grassland in Inner Mongolia. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2011, 22(3): 329-335.

Climatic Division of the Types and Yields of Grassland in Inner Mongolia

  • Received Date: 2010-07-19
  • Rev Recd Date: 2011-03-29
  • Publish Date: 2011-06-30
  • Based on the meteorological observation data of 107 weather stations in Inner Mongolia, mean monthly temperatures, mean monthly air humidity and annual rainfall distribution of kilometer-scale are calculated using gradient method of inverse distance square law. Taking the raster data into Ivanov moisture degree calculation formula, the moisture degree of kilometer-scale in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region are obtained. Combined with the distribution regularity of actual vegetation types of Inner Mongolia, climate zoning index of grassland types in Inner Mongolia are identified. Five grassland types are defined in Inner Mongolia as meadow steppe, typical steppe, desert steppe, steppe desert, and desert. With the grassland type climate zoning index, partition boundaries of grass yield are determined. On the basis of output distribution in each partition, six grass yield levels of climate zoning index are obtained, which are grass yield greater than or equal to 2000, 1600—2000, 1100—1600, 900—1100, 800—900 kg·hm-2, and less than 800 kg·hm-2, respectively. And then humidity raster data could be classified by using these climate zoning indexes. After that, the zoning map of grassland type in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region natural grassland could be drawn. In addition to that, the zoning map of geographical distribution of grass yield could also be got. Afterwards data of 65 field investigations samples as well as 49 ecological observation sites are used in a reliability test, for climate zoning results. The reliability analysis shows that division results and the distribution of actual grassland types in Inner Mongolia have good consistency, indicating that the grassland climate zoning can better reflect the spatial distribution regularity of natural grassland types. Hence, the grassland type division results can be used for climatic regionalization in Inner Mongolia grassland. Due to neglecting the soil texture, economic and other non climate factors, there is a certain error on the boundaries between the sand, grass crisscross midwest and different grassland type areas. For each district, its geographical position, climate characteristics and grassland utilization status are reviewed, and furthermore, related analysis, countermeasures and suggestions on rational distributions are given. In conclusion, the results can provide a scientific basis for adjusting agricultural structure and optimizing livestock layout in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.
  • Fig. 1  Climatic regionalization maps for the type (a) and yield (b) of Inner Mongolia grassland

    Table  1  The climate division index of grassland types in Inner Mongolia

    草地类型 温性荒漠 温性草原荒漠 荒漠化草原 温性典型草原 温性草甸草原
    区划指标(K) 0~0.1 0.1~0.13 0.13~0.25 0.25~0.47 0.47~1.755
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    Table  2  The climatic regionalization index of grassland yields in Inner Mongolia

    类型 大样条产草量
    林间草甸草原 ≥2000 ≥2000 ≥0.65
    温性草甸草原 1600~2000 1600~2000 0.47~0.65
    温性草原 1100~1600 1100~1600 0.25~0.47
    温性荒漠化草原 800~1100 900~1100 0.13~0.25
    温性草原化荒漠 600~800 800~900 0.1~0.13
    温性荒漠 <600 <800 <0.1
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    Table  3  Climatic regionalization results for grassland types contrast with the data of fieldwork samples

    草地类型 纬度 经度 优势牧草 草地类型亚类
    草甸草原 49.36°N 118.84°E 贝加尔针茅 贝加尔针茅,杂类草草原
    49.30°N 119.34°E 扁蓿豆,苔草 杂类草,苔草林缘草甸
    49.07°N 119.71°E 羊草,贝加尔针茅 羊草,中生杂类草草甸草原
    49.43°N 119.75°E 贝加尔针茅,羊草 贝加尔针茅,杂类草草原
    典型草原 48.68°N 117.84°E 克氏针茅,冷蒿 克氏针茅草原
    48.57°N 116.95°E 克氏针茅,狭叶锦鸡儿 克氏针茅草原
    45.42°N 117.58°E 羊草,针茅 羊草,丛生禾草草原
    44.13°N 116.33°E 大针茅,隐子草 大针茅草原
    43.98°N 114.85°E 羊草,冷蒿 羊草,丛生禾草草原
    43.73°N 120.37°E 隐子草,狗尾,冷蒿 隐子草,冷蒿退化草原
    43.76°N 119.12°E 羊草,大针茅 大针茅草原
    42.45°N 115.43°E 羊草,大针茅,克氏针茅 羊草,丛生禾草草原
    41.78°N 111.82°E 克氏针茅,短花针茅 克氏针茅草原
    39.80°N 110.26°E 大针茅,羊草 大针茅草原
    荒漠草原 43.81°N 113.44°E 小针茅,无芒隐子草 小针茅,无芒隐子草,荒漠草原
    42.87°N 112.56°E 小针茅,无芒隐子草 小针茅,无芒隐子草,荒漠草原
    39.58°N 107.72°E 短花针茅,无芒隐子草 小针茅,无芒隐子草,荒漠草原
    草原化荒漠 41.93°N 108.13°E 毛头刺,小针茅 毛头刺,草原化荒漠
    40.25°N 107.13°E 霸王,松叶猪毛菜 霸王,草原化荒漠
    荒漠 41.36°N 98.18°E 红砂,泡泡刺 戈壁荒漠
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    Table  4  Climatic regionalization results for grassland yields contrast with the data of grassland observations

    观测站点 区划产草量
    陈旗 2000~3500 2713.6 草甸草原
    鄂温克 2000~3500 3331.6 草甸草原
    东乌旗 1600~2000 2072.2 草甸草原
    阿巴嘎旗 1100~1600 1558.4 典型草原
    丰镇 1100~1600 1706.2 典型草原
    新巴尔虎右旗 1100~1600 1176.8 典型草原
    苏尼特右旗 900~1100 1091.8 荒漠草原
    乌海市 600~800 563.4 荒漠
    乌拉特后旗 600~800 426.75 荒漠
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    • Received : 2010-07-19
    • Accepted : 2011-03-29
    • Published : 2011-06-30


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