物理量 | 青海湖—舟曲地区 | 四川盆地 | ||
平均值 | 标准偏差 | 平均值 | 标准偏差 | |
对流有效位能/(J·kg-1) | 4393 | 2669 | 847 | 616 |
对流零浮力层高度/km | 16.54 | 1.32 | 12.89 | 1.33 |
大气湿静力能/(J·kg-1) | 352740 | 10209 | 339784 | 4132 |
感热/(J·kg-1) | 286445 | 5687 | 284212 | 4555 |
潜热/(J·kg-1) | 25886 | 10302 | 18905 | 6183 |
Citation: | Qian Weimiao, Luo Yali, Zhang Renhe, et al. The heavy rainfall event leading to the large debris flow at Zhouqu. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2011, 22(4): 385-397. |
Fig. 2 Synoptic background at 14:00 7 August 2010 (×: Zhouqu) (a) geopotential height (black line, unit: gpm) and wind (arrow) at 700 hPa (gray shaded represents the area with terrain elevation above 700 hPa), (b) geopotential height (black line, unit: gpm), decrease in temperature from 08:00 to 14:00 (color shaded) and wind (arrow) at 500 hPa, (c) geopotential height (black line, unit: gpm), positive divergence (color shaded) and wind (vector) at 200 hPa
Fig. 9 Horzontal distribution of surface wind convergence, TBB, temperature and specific humidity at 700 hPa, surface wind, and sea level pressure on 7 August 2010 and terrain elevation
(white lines and white boxes in Fig. 9b, 9c represent surface wind convergence lines and surface wind convergence areas, respectively; ×: Zhouqu; black solid line at the left-upper of each panel: Qinghai Lake) (a) horizontal distribution of TBB (color shaded) observed by MTSAT satellite at 14:30 with terrain elevation (gray shaded), (b) temperature (gray shaded) at 700 hPa, surface wind (arrow), sea level pressure (color line) at 14:00, (c) specific humidity (gray shaded) at 700 hPa, surface wind (arrow), sea level pressure (color line) at 14:00, (d) surface wind (arrow) at 14:00 and terrain elevation (color shaded)
Table 1 Means and standard deviations of CAPE, LNB height, and MSE, SHE, LHE at the heights of 2.5 to 5.0 km over Qinghai-Zhouqu region and Sichuan Basin at 14:35 7 August 2010
物理量 | 青海湖—舟曲地区 | 四川盆地 | ||
平均值 | 标准偏差 | 平均值 | 标准偏差 | |
对流有效位能/(J·kg-1) | 4393 | 2669 | 847 | 616 |
对流零浮力层高度/km | 16.54 | 1.32 | 12.89 | 1.33 |
大气湿静力能/(J·kg-1) | 352740 | 10209 | 339784 | 4132 |
感热/(J·kg-1) | 286445 | 5687 | 284212 | 4555 |
潜热/(J·kg-1) | 25886 | 10302 | 18905 | 6183 |
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