Zhang Ling, Li Weijing, Chen Lijuan. The basic climatic features of stratospheric circulation transition in Northern Hemisphere. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2011, 22(4): 411-420.
Citation: Zhang Ling, Li Weijing, Chen Lijuan. The basic climatic features of stratospheric circulation transition in Northern Hemisphere. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2011, 22(4): 411-420.

The Basic Climatic Features of Stratospheric Circulation Transition in Northern Hemisphere

  • Received Date: 2010-10-28
  • Rev Recd Date: 2011-04-22
  • Publish Date: 2011-08-31
  • The basic climatic features of stratospheric circulation in Northern Hemisphere demonstrate different forms in winter and summer. In winter, the cold cyclone system and westerly winds prevail in high latitudes, while in summer the situation is the opposite. In terms of inversion of geopotential height gradient and zonal wind direction, a transition date index (TDI) indicating the change dates from summer to winter circulations in the stratosphere in Northern Hemisphere is defined by using NCEP/NCAR reanalysis daily data. Some statistic methods such as linear tendency, wavelet analysis, binomial coefficient smooth and Mann-Kendall are applied to analyze the inter-annual and inter-decadal features of the transition dates at all main levels in the stratosphere. Results indicate that in the stratosphere, with the height rising, the transition date becomes earlier and the summer circulation lasts longer. For instance, the earliest circulation transition in the stratosphere occurs at the height of 10 hPa and 20 hPa, and it shifts to 30 hPa in a short period. However, it takes longer for the transition to shift from 30 hPa to 50 hPa than that from 10 hPa to 30 hPa, which takes almost one month. The average onset date of the South China Sea Summer Monsoon (SCSSM) is one of the earliest dates in Asia Summer Monsoon (ASM) system and it is much later than the transition dates in stratosphere. Therefore, TDI can be used as a pre-signal for monitoring and predicting ASM. Furthermore, there exists an obvious regional difference in the circulation transition, among which the transition dates at each level in Siberia is the earliest and that is relatively later in Bering Sea and Greenland. The inter-annual and inter-decadal features of the circulation transition dates in Northern Hemisphere and the aforementioned three different regions are quite apparent, turning from late to early and then to late again in the past 62 years. Particularly the circulation transition date in Northern Hemisphere and in Siberia shares some similarities in inter-annual and inter-decadal variations, for example, the time variation shows significant fluctuations, and both have a transition peak in 1975. The transition dates in Bering Sea and Greenland also have the similar features, for example, the time fluctuation is relatively small. Moreover, circulation transition dates vary with the height and region, but they all have a quasi-2-year, a quasi-3-to-6-year, a quasi-9-to-12-year or a quasi-21-to-24-year cycle which may have close connections with other members of the climate system.
  • Fig. 1  The mean square deviation of the geopotential height gradient from 1 March to 30 June at 10 hPa (unit: gpm)

    Fig. 2  Time-longitude evolution of geopotential height gradient (unit:dagpm)(a) and zonal wind (unit:m·s-1)(b) at 10 hPa

    Fig. 3  Annual transition dates at different levels in North Hemisphere

    Fig. 4  Annual transition dates of different regions at 10 hPa

    Fig. 5  Standard deviation of annual transition dates at 10 hPa geopotential height of all regions (labeled solid line), the corresponding to linear trend (chain dotted line), second order polynomial regression line (dotted line), Gaussian 9-year running averages (solid line)

    (a) North Hemisphere, (b) Siberia, (c) Bering Sea, (d) Greenland

    Fig. 6  Mann-Kendall statistic curves of standard deviation of annual transition date at 10 hPa (a) and 20 hPa (b) geopotential heights

    (UF:statistic value of ordinal data; UB: statistic value of reverse data)

    Fig. 7  Wavelet analysis statistic curves of standard deviation of annual transition dates at 10 hPa geopotential height of different regions in North Hemisphere (a), Siberia (b), Bering Sea (c), Greenland (d)

    Fig. 8  Percentage of annual transition dates at all levels of different regions in North Hemisphere (a), Siberia (b), Bering Sea (c), Greenland (d)

    Table  1  Transition date of stratospheric circulation in Northern Hemisphere

    高度/hPa 冬季环流转为
    10 4月上中旬 8月底
    20 4月上中旬 8月底
    30 4月下旬 8月中下旬
    50 5月上旬 8月初
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    Table  2  Average transition dates at all levels of the regions

    高度/hPa 北半球 西伯利亚区 白令海区 格陵兰区
    10 第112天 第111.7天 第139.9天 第139.6天
    20 第113.5天 第112.7天 第138.7天 第137.9天
    30 第118.3天 第116.6天 第143.4天 第140.5天
    50 第145天 第141.4天 第173.6天 第154.4天
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    Table  3  Extreme transition dates at all levels in Northern Hemisphere

    高度/hPa 最早转型时间 最晚转型时间
    10 第70天 第150天
    20 第70天 第151.5天
    30 第70天 第155天
    50 第96天 第181天
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    • Received : 2010-10-28
    • Accepted : 2011-04-22
    • Published : 2011-08-31


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