云底高度~云顶高度/km | 1~4 | 2~5 | 3~6 | 4~7 | 5~8 | 6~9 | 7~10 |
云顶黑体亮温/K | 272.05 | 266.14 | 260.03 | 253.85 | 247.63 | 241.4 | 235.15 |
Citation: | Chen Yingying, Tang Renmao, Zhou Yuquan, et al. Interpretation of cloud classification using the color image composed by three-channel data. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2011, 22(6): 691-697. |
Table 1 Brightness temperature as a function of cloud top height solar zenith angle θ0=20°, satellite zenith angle θ=40°, relative azimuth angle ϕ=0°
云底高度~云顶高度/km | 1~4 | 2~5 | 3~6 | 4~7 | 5~8 | 6~9 | 7~10 |
云顶黑体亮温/K | 272.05 | 266.14 | 260.03 | 253.85 | 247.63 | 241.4 | 235.15 |
Table 2 Reflectance of some main types of the cloud and underlying surface[15]
云和地面目标物 | 可见光通道反射率 |
积雨云 (大而厚) | 0.92 |
积雨云 (小,云顶在6 km左右) | 0.86 |
卷层云 (厚,下面有中低云和降水) | 0.74 |
卷层云 (单独出现在陆地上空) | 0.32 |
积云 (出现在陆地上空,云量>80%) | 0.69 |
中云 (高层、高积云,中等厚度) | 0.68 |
层积云 (出现在陆地上空,云量>80%) | 0.68 |
层积云 (出现在洋面上空,成片) | 0.60 |
层云 (厚,出现在洋面上空) | 0.64 |
层云 (薄,出现在洋面上空) | 0.42 |
卷云 (薄,单独出现在陆地上空) | 0.36 |
晴天积云 (出现在陆地上空,云量>80%) | 0.29 |
陆地 (植被) | 0.18 |
海洋、湖泊、河流 | 0.07~0.09 |
Table 3 Effective particle radius of different cloud types
云类 | 层云 (海洋上空) | 层云 (陆地上空) | 晴天积云 | 海洋积云 | 积雨云 | 浓积云 | 高层云 |
re/μm | 17 | 10 | 6.7 | 25 | 33 | 40 | 8 |
Table 4 Characteristic three-channel values of the typical cloud system pixel
编码 | RGB色彩模式强度值 | R0.65 | R1.64 | T11.25 | 云的分类解释判读 |
A | (248,98,37) | 0.975 | 0.311 | 209.298 | 积雨云(台风眼墙) |
B | (139,98,36) | 0.532 | 0.311 | 208.344 | 厚卷云(台风螺旋云带) |
C | (234,92,30) | 0.918 | 0.289 | 202.21 | 积雨云(局地对流) |
D | (182,75,69) | 0.707 | 0.227 | 233.568 | 中云(浓积云) |
E | (178,229,128) | 0.691 | 0.793 | 263.753 | 厚低云(云体深厚的水云) |
F | (108,95,60) | 0.406 | 0.3 | 227.657 | 薄卷云 |
G | (78,122,193) | 0.284 | 0.4 | 288.383 | 薄低云(水云) |
H | (35,42,192) | 0.110 | 0.105 | 288.044 | 晴天海洋 |
I | (44,89,218) | 0.146 | 0.278 | 296.566 | 晴天陆地 |
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