Gao Yi, Zhang Yijun, Zhang Wenjuan, et al. Characteristics of lightning casualties and vulnerability evaluation regionalization in China. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2012, 23(3): 294-303.
Citation: Gao Yi, Zhang Yijun, Zhang Wenjuan, et al. Characteristics of lightning casualties and vulnerability evaluation regionalization in China. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2012, 23(3): 294-303.

Characteristics of Lightning Casualties and Vulnerability Evaluation Regionalization in China

  • Received Date: 2011-09-08
  • Rev Recd Date: 2012-02-22
  • Publish Date: 2012-06-30
  • According to the data of lightning disasters from 1997 to 2010 and lightning observation by TRMM satellite, feature of national injuries and deaths from lightning is analyzed and the results indicate that lightning causes 460 deaths and 425 injuries every year on average. The mortality rate is 0.36 per million people and 0.48 per ten thousand square kilometers every year. Three indexes about lightning casualties reports, the number of lightning fatalities per ten thousand square kilometers and the number of lightning fatalities per million people have good correlation. Lightning-related casualties have increased for the period of 1997—2007 and then begin to decrease since 2008. Casualties anomaly percent is positive in the year of 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007, with the maximum value in 2007, when the ratio is 78% more than normal years.In order to reveal the vulnerability of lightning which lead to injuries and deaths in different region, R-cluster analysis is used for sifting the 8 indexes affected by vulnerability evaluation. Lightning density, casualties frequency, population, and region areas are selected as variables. Comparability measures of each sample are calculated by using Euclidean distance, and then the method of Q-cluster is used to analyze and calculate these date. Finally the results of 6 different kinds of risk zones of lightning that lead to injuries and deaths in China are given. Guangdong and Hainan pertain to vulnerability evaluation extreme high areas. In these areas, the comprehensive vulnerability evaluation of cluster reaches up to 5.017, where both the average density of lightning and personnel casualty rate is the highest in the six categories. In the opposite, the northwest and northeast of China are areas with the lowest vulnerability. Finally, Ward’s method of Q-cluster is adopted to explain and testify the result of cluster, showing the cluster solution is not only stable but also reliable. The result of the classification is appropriate, and preferably reflects regional vulnerability characteristics of lightning-caused casualties.
  • Fig. 1  Comparison between accident number of lightning disasters and casualties in China from 1997 to 2010

    Fig. 2  Annual number of lightning casualties, deaths and injuries in China from 1997 to 2010

    Fig. 3  Lightning deaths and injuries anomaly percent in China from 1997 to 2010

    Fig. 4  The rate of lightning deaths in China from 1997 to 2010

    Fig. 5  The rate of lightning casualties in China from 1997 to 2010

    Fig. 6  Vertical icicle plots of Within and Ward's cluster

    Fig. 7  Dendrogram of cluster (x axis is the mapping value of cluster distance with SPSS numeration) (a) Within method, (b) Ward's method

    Fig. 8  The coefficients variety under the number of cluster

    Table  1  The lightning disaster statistic for provinces in China from 1997 to 2010

    序号 省 (市、自治区) 平均地闪密度/(次·km-2·a-1) 雷灾频数/(次·a-1) 人员伤亡频数/(人·a-1) 人口/104 区域面积/(104km2)
    1 北京 8.93 87.50 4.64 1382 1.68
    2 天津 9.73 18.79 1.36 1001 1.13
    3 河北 7.94 289.64 25.50 6744 18.77
    4 山西 5.00 33.36 6.00 3297 15.63
    5 内蒙古 3.60 50.36 14.43 2376 118.30
    6 辽宁 6.37 113.57 15.86 4238 14.59
    7 吉林 4.54 69.36 10.71 2728 18.74
    8 黑龙江 4.12 47.93 11.43 3689 45.46
    9 上海 7.43 24.07 6.50 1674 0.63
    10 江苏 8.52 319.57 33.00 7438 10.26
    11 浙江 8.19 542.64 35.57 4677 10.18
    12 安徽 8.09 130.21 22.93 5986 13.96
    13 福建 8.53 347.43 33.00 3471 12.14
    14 江西 9.72 199.86 61.14 4140 16.69
    15 山东 8.15 248.50 32.21 9079 15.67
    16 河南 6.56 112.71 23.64 9256 16.70
    17 湖北 7.01 151.93 41.14 6028 18.59
    18 湖南 8.12 407.57 42.14 6440 21.18
    19 广东 16.64 1395.57 121.86 8642 17.79
    20 广西 12.62 149.79 50.07 4489 23.60
    21 海南 15.99 53.14 21.93 787 3.39
    22 重庆 8.49 42.64 13.07 3090 8.24
    23 四川 4.73 133.21 46.43 8329 48.50
    24 贵州 10.20 82.64 30.86 3525 17.60
    25 云南 5.98 160.07 49.86 4288 39.40
    26 西藏 1.74 14.29 15.14 262 122.84
    27 陕西 3.48 29.14 19.43 3605 20.56
    28 甘肃 2.59 10.71 32.43 2562 45.40
    29 青海 2.05 18.43 23.50 518 72.12
    30 宁夏 2.99 4.57 16.64 562 5.18
    31 新疆 1.33 8.43 26.21 1925 165.00
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    Table  2  The Pearson correlations of variables

    变量 Ng F1 F2 N1 N2 D1 D2 A
    Ng 1.000
    F1 0.571 1.000
    F2 0.489 0.828 1.000
    N1 0.301 0.544 0.546 1.000
    N2 0.195 0.357 0.451 0.956 1.000
    D1 0.267 0.055 -0.155 0.026 -0.083 1.000
    D2 0.491 0.297 0.096 0.630 0.577 0.577 1.000
    A -0.580 -0.206 -0.043 -0.260 -0.199 -0.410 -0.613 1.000
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    Table  3  The eigenvalue of cluster

    样本集 平均地闪密度/(次·km-2·a-1) 人员伤亡率/(10-4人·km-2·a-1) 人员伤亡率/(10-6人·a-1)
    {广东, 海南} 16.32 6.79 1.52
    {江西, 广西, 福建, 贵州, 浙江, 云南} 9.21 2.18 1.06
    {山东, 河南, 湖北, 湖南, 重庆, 安徽, 江苏, 上海, 四川} 7.46 1.7 0.46
    {北京, 天津, 河北} 8.87 1.46 0.35
    {内蒙古, 西藏, 新疆} 2.22 0.14 1.22
    {山西, 吉林, 陕西, 辽宁, 黑龙江, 甘肃, 宁夏, 青海} 3.89 0.57 0.64
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    Table  4  The comprehensive vulnerability evaluation of cluster

    类别 样本集 标准化处理 综合易损值
    平均地闪密度 单位面积人员伤亡率 单位人口人员伤亡率
    第1类 {广东,海南} 1.6851 1.9393 1.3927 5.017
    第2类 {江西,广西,福建,贵州,浙江,云南} 0.2459 0.0166 0.3994 0.662
    第3类 {山东,河南,湖北,湖南,重庆,安徽,江苏,上海,四川} -0.1082 -0.1835 -0.8961 -1.187
    第4类 {北京,天津,河北} 0.1771 -0.2836 -1.1336 -1.240
    第5类 {内蒙古,西藏,新疆} -1.1689 -0.8341 0.7449 -1.258
    第6类 {山西,吉林,陕西,辽宁,黑龙江,甘肃,宁夏,青海} -0.8309 -0.6547 -0.5074 -1.993
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    • Received : 2011-09-08
    • Accepted : 2012-02-22
    • Published : 2012-06-30


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