Zhang Zhenhua, Miao Chunsheng, Zeng Zhihua, et al. Improvement and application of artificial neural networks to cloud classification. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2012, 23(3): 355-363.
Citation: Zhang Zhenhua, Miao Chunsheng, Zeng Zhihua, et al. Improvement and application of artificial neural networks to cloud classification. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2012, 23(3): 355-363.

Improvement and Application of Artificial Neural Networks to Cloud Classification

  • Received Date: 2011-09-17
  • Rev Recd Date: 2012-02-06
  • Publish Date: 2012-06-30
  • 2449 cloud classification samples are artificially selected from infrared channel 1, infrared channel 2 and water vapor channel of VISSR on FY-2C geostationary meteorological satellite during 2005—2009. Different linear combination of three channels are selected as feature values, which are brightness temperature of IR1, IR2, WV, and brightness temperature difference of IR1 to IR2, IR1 to WV, IR2 to WV. According to statistical theory, the sample probability distribution is assumed to help to remove some apparent unreasonable data such as outliers, and to understand cloud normal features better. It is found that the brightness temperature difference of IR1 to IR2 is most sensitive to the amount of thin cirrus cloud in 6 selected values. On the other hand, the error of the BP neural network model mostly comes from the contradiction of this feature too. A nested BP artificial neural network model is designed, and it's composed of two layers. The first layer includes five features of brightness temperature of IR1, IR2, WV, and brightness temperature difference of IR1 to WV, IR2 to WV that are used to classify each pixel to one of four categories such as clear, mixed cloud, thick cirrus cloud and strong convective cloud. And the second layer includes just one feature, brightness temperature difference of IR1 to IR2 that are used to classify mixed cloud to low-level cloud, mid-level cloud or thin cirrus cloud. Finally, every pixel is classified into one of total 6 categories corresponding to each color. Both layers adopt a BP neural network, the most widely used algorithm for generating classifiers, with one hidden layer and the additional momentum method, not only accelerating the training speed, but also reducing the redundancy of the networks.Error analysis shows that the accuracy rates of the nested BP artificial neural network for types of mid-level cloud and thin cirrus cloud have increased by 42.6% and 11.3%, respectively. The mean square error and normalized mean square error of the whole classification model have decreased by 6.1% and 44.7% with the correlation coefficient increasing by 3.4%. By comparison of the classification results from 3 tests of tropical, subtropical areas and tropical cyclone, it shows that the nested model identifies thin cirrus cloud more accurately than the traditional model. Therefore, the results of the nested model are more reasonable than the traditional model.
  • Fig. 1  The probability distribution of cloud sample features

    Fig. 2  The diagram of the BP artificial neural network model

    Fig. 3  The independent features of cloud samples

    Fig. 4  The diagram of the nested BP neural network model

    Fig. 5  The comparison of accuracy rates of the nested and traditional models

    Fig. 6  The comparison of cloud classification products by the nested and traditional BP neural network models

    Table  1  Specifications of VISSR channels

    1 IR1 10.3~11.3 5
    2 IR2 11.5~12.5 5
    3 WV 6.3~7.6 5
    4 IR4 3.5~4.0 5
    5 VIS 0.55~0.90 1.25
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    Table  2  The information of classes and samples

    分类 样本数 备注
    强对流云 515 积雨云和发展旺盛的对流云
    厚卷云 244 较厚的密卷云和积雨云的卷云毡
    薄卷云 232 毛卷云、卷积云和较薄的密卷云
    中云 214 高层云、高积云
    低云 404 层积云、层云、雨层云
    海洋 435 晴空下的海洋
    陆地 405 晴空下的陆地
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    Table  3  The selected features of the cloud classification

    云分类特征 描述
    IR1亮温 红外1通道的云顶亮温
    IR2亮温 红外2通道的云顶亮温
    WV亮温 水汽通道的云顶亮温
    IR1与IR2亮温差 红外1和红外2通道的分裂窗差
    IR1与WV亮温差 红外1和水汽通道的亮温差
    IR2与WV亮温差 红外2和水汽通道的亮温差
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    Table  4  The accuracy rates of test samples (unit: %)

    云分类 晴空 低云 中云 薄卷云 厚卷云 对流云
    晴空 97.379 2.620 0 0 0 0
    低云 3.465 92.574 3.960 0 0 0
    中云 0 31.250 67.708 0 1.042 0
    薄卷云 0 9.538 5.660 82.915 1.887 0
    厚卷云 0 0 0.806 0 87.903 11.290
    对流云 0 0 0 0 6.179 93.820
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    Table  5  The parameters of each cloud classifier

    网络类型 输出层 隐含层 附加动量
    步长 层数 神经元个数 步长
    传统BP网络 0.1 1 16 1 0.7
    嵌套网络第1层 0.1 1 9 1 0.7
    嵌套网络第2层 0.1 1 6 1 0.7
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    Table  6  Accuracy rates of the traditional and nested models

    网络类型 EMS ENMS r
    传统网络 0.0479 0.1133 0.9385
    嵌套网络 0.045 0.0627 0.9708
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    • Received : 2011-09-17
    • Accepted : 2012-02-06
    • Published : 2012-06-30


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