Zhao Junhu, Yang Jie, Feng Guolin, et al. Causes and dynamic-statistical forecast of the summer rainfall anomaly over China in 2011. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2013, 24(1): 43-54.
Citation: Zhao Junhu, Yang Jie, Feng Guolin, et al. Causes and dynamic-statistical forecast of the summer rainfall anomaly over China in 2011. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2013, 24(1): 43-54.

Causes and Dynamic-statistical Forecast of the Summer Rainfall Anomaly over China in 2011

  • Received Date: 2012-03-29
  • Rev Recd Date: 2012-10-16
  • Publish Date: 2013-02-28
  • The large-scale rainfall over China in summer of 2011 is reviewed, the prediction results of dynamic-statistical objective quantitative (DSOQ) and dynamic-statistical diagnostic (DSD) methods are evaluated. Compared to the DSOQ, the anomaly correlation coefficient (ACC) and predictive score (PS) of which are 0.12 and 70, the DSD method has obvious advantage in predicting skill by increasing the ACC and PS to 0.25 and 75, respectively. Taking the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze (MLRY) as an experiment region, the differences in predictive factors of these two methods are compared and the advantages of DSD method are analyzed. The probable causes of summer rainfall anomaly distribution in 2011 and the relevant circulation anomaly characteristics are also discussed, such as the blocking-high (BH) anomaly in middle-high latitudes and the western Pacific subtropical high (WPSH) anomaly in low latitudes. The results indicate that the abundant rainfall in June over the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze and the uneven distribution of June-July-August (JJA) rainfall are the direct causes for the southerly rainbelt in the summer of 2011. And this is related to the BH activities, the intra-seasonal oscillations (ISO) of WPSH and the monthly different configurations between them. In June, the atmospheric circulations reveal two trough areas and one ridge area at the middle-high latitudes. The intensity and western boundary of the WPSH are normal, while the latitude of the ridge line is northerly. The southward cold air behind the trough converges with the northward warm wet airflow over MLRY, which causes substantial precipitation in this area. Compared with June, the atmospheric circulations in middle-high latitudes change into the two ridge areas and one trough area in July, the WPSH becomes weaker and its western boundary moves eastward, and the ridge line is more northward. These situations lead to stronger cold air than the warm wet airflow, resulting in drought of the whole areas. In August, the strength of the trough and ridge weaken relative comparing to July, which makes the convergence of the southward cold air and the northward warm wet airflow over East China. The situations above lead to a large amount of precipitation in East China. Besides, the variation of the BH and the ISO of WPSH is affected by the interactions among the East Asian circulation systems (EACS), and the external forcing of sea surface temperature (SST) and snow cover. The interactions and configurations among EACS are key effective factors of summer climate. Thus, by predicting the seasonal and monthly key circulation factors (e.g., BH and WPSH, etc.) to revise the summer precipitation prediction would be a feasible way for the improvements of the dynamic-statistical prediction skill.
  • Fig. 1  Rainfall anomaly percentage over China in summer of 2011

    Fig. 2  Rainfall anomaly percentage over China in summer of 2011 predicted by dynamic-statistical objective quantitative (DSOQ) model (a) and dynamic-statistical diagnostic (DSD) model (b)

    Fig. 3  The distribution of 500 hPa geopotential height (shaded: anomaly; contour: geopotential height; blue solid line: the climate state; unit:gpm)and 850 hPa wind anomalies (vector) over North Hemisphere in 2011

    (a) summer, (b) June, (c) July, (d) August

    Fig. 4  The distribution of SST anomaly in 2011

    (a) previous winter, (b) spring, (c) summer

    Fig. 5  Time-longitude section of daily 500 hPa geopotential height along 50°N in summer of 2011

    Fig. 6  Vertical circulation anomalies averaged over 5°—25°N in Jun (a), Jul (b), Aug (c) of 2011

    (shaded area: vetical velocity, unit: 10-2 Pa/s; unit of zonal wind: m/s; vectors: composite winds)

    Fig. 7  Vertical circulation anomalies averaged over 125°—150°E in Jun (a), Jul (b), Aug (c) of 2011

    (shade areas: vertical velocity, unit: 10-2Pa/s; unit of meridional wind: m/s; vectors: composite winds)

    Fig. 8  200 hPa geopotential height (long broken line, unit: dagpm), upper westerly jet (shaded area, zonal wind speed greater than 30 m/s) and 500 hPa geopotential height (solid line, unit: dagpm) in 2011 and climate state

    (a) Jun 2011, (b) climate state of Jun, (c) Jul 2011, (d) climate state of Jul, (e) Aug 2011, (f) climate state of Aug

    Fig. 9  The possible mechanism of rainfall anomaly over China in 2011

    Table  1  The predictive factors for the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze in DSOQ

    月份 因子 相关
    8 加勒比海SST指数* 0.49 0.34
    1 热带北大西洋SST指数* 0.37 0.22
    10 西半球暖池指数* 0.41 0.22
    7 加勒比海SST指数* 0.57 0.21
    12 热带北大西洋指数* 0.31 0.18
    4 东太平洋副热带高压强度指数** 0.31 0.17
    2 大西洋副热带高压脊线指数** 0.21 0.10
    6 北非大西洋北美
    0.18 0.01
    5 登陆台风指数** -0.03 0.05
    12 飓风活动指数** -0.49 0.06
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    Table  2  The predictive factors for the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze in DSD

    月份 因子 COR ACC
    12 西太平洋副热带
    0.32 0.32
    1 热带北大西洋SST指数* 0.37 0.22
    10 西半球暖池指数* 0.41 0.22
    12 冷空气指数** -0.43 0.26
    12 大西洋几十年涛动指数* 0.43 0.19
    1 El Niño演变指数* 0.35 0.16
    2 亚洲区极涡面积指数** -0.39 0.16
    10 太平洋10年涛动
    (PDO) 指数*
    -0.37 0.13
    9 青藏高原高度场指数** 0.42 0.16
    8 印缅槽指数** 0.42 0.14
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    Table  3  Seasonal and monthly indices of WPSH in summer of 2011

    副高指数 6月 7月 8月 夏季
    距平 标准差 距平 标准差 距平 标准差 距平 标准差
    强度指数 12 21 -31Δ 24 11 26 -4 21
    脊线指数 2Δ 2 2Δ 2 4Δ 4 3Δ 2
    西伸脊点指数 -3 12 16Δ 15 -2 16 3 11
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    • Received : 2012-03-29
    • Accepted : 2012-10-16
    • Published : 2013-02-28


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