Song Jianyang, Zheng Xiangdong, Cheng Xinghong, et al. Quality evaluations and comparisons of radiation data at Lin'an and Longfengshan stations. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2013, 24(1): 65-74.
Citation: Song Jianyang, Zheng Xiangdong, Cheng Xinghong, et al. Quality evaluations and comparisons of radiation data at Lin'an and Longfengshan stations. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2013, 24(1): 65-74.

Quality Evaluations and Comparisons of Radiation Data at Lin'an and Longfengshan Stations

  • Received Date: 2012-06-01
  • Rev Recd Date: 2012-10-18
  • Publish Date: 2013-02-28
  • Solar radiation is widely used in the studies of climate change, evaluation of model simulations and assessment of solar radiation energy resources. Therefore, accurate observations of solar radiation data are absolutely needed. An international BSRN method of solar data quality assessment and quality control (QA-QC) is applied to investigate data quality of solar radiation and downward long-wave radiation (DLR) measured from 2005 to 2011 at Lin'an and Longfengshan, two regional background stations in the mainland of China. The method includes 3 steps of testing. They are the sequential limits of physically possible, extremely rare and relevant factor comparison. The results show that percentages of radiation data meeting requirements of the first two test steps of the quality test at both sites are more than 99.5%, but in the third step, the percentage dropped to 97.9% at Lin'an and 95.9% at Longfengshan. The error of the 2AP (2 axis position) in tracking sun-disk is the main cause for those direct and diffuse radiation data failing to meet the conditions of quality test, and the scenario is more frequent at the high SZA (solar zenith angle). Compared to the rate evaluated by the prevalent limit of global radiation error, the BSRN third step makes the rate of validated solar radiation data be reduced by 0.9% and 1.6% at Lin'an and Longfengshan, respectively. The thermal offset of CM21 pyrometer is from-5 W·m-2 to-2 W·m-2. With the compensation of thermal offset, the rate of radiation data meeting requirements of the BSRN quality test is obviously improved.It is well known that the most important factor affecting the surface solar radiation includes cloud, water vapor and aerosol. Therefore, variations of solar radiation with changes of SZA are analyzed with removal of cloud effect. It is identified that the global and direct radiation irradiances at Lin'an are obviously lower than those at Longfengshan with the same SZA, while the diffuse radiation is opposite. The cause for these phenomena is due to the lower atmospheric transparency and higher atmospheric turbidity at Lin'an.The annual averages of solar radiation and DLR at the sites are calculated. The annual averaged daily integrated global solar radiation and global solar radiation under clear condition at Lin'an are 12.4±7.2, 16.5±5.0 MJ·m-2, while the coincident average radiations at Longfengshan are 13.5±7.2, 15.5±6.2 MJ·m-2. Annual average DLR at Lin'an is 363.7±59.3 W·m-2, obviously higher than that at Longfengshan (274.9±77.6 W·m-2). There is an obvious decreasing trend of DLR at Lin'an, and global solar radiation takes on an increasing trend at Longfengshan under clear sky.
  • Fig. 1  Distributions of the radiation data meeting the third step of the quality test at Lin'an (solid and dotted lines denote testing maximum and minimum limits, respectively)

    (a) diffuse ratio examination,(b)Eg/EgC examination

    Fig. 2  Monthly rate of radiation data meeting the 3-step quality test at Lin'an

    Fig. 3  Distributions of the radiation data meeting the third step of the quality test at Longfengshan (solid and dotted lines denote testing maximum and minimum limits, respectively)

    (a) diffuse ratio examination, (b)Eg/EgC examination

    Fig. 4  Monthly rate of radiation data meeting the 3-step quality test at Longfengshan

    Fig. 5  Variations of solar radiation with changes of solar zenith angle at Lin'an and Longfengshan (a) global radiation, (b) direct radiation, (c) diffuse radiation

    Table  1  Thermal offsets of pyranometers at night

    仪器 临安站 龙凤山站
    型号 平均值/(W·m-2) 型号 平均值/(W·m-2)
    总辐射表 CM21(#051465) -2.46±1.275 CM21(#051467) -3.07±1.039
    散射辐射表 CM21(#051466) -2.12±0.769 CM21(#051468) -2.30±1.155
    直接辐射表 CH1 (#050386) -0.19±0.218 CH1 (#050387) -0.04±0.409
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    Table  2  Parameters in the tests of physically possible and extremely rare limits (unit:W/m2)[13]

    辐射量 物理可能限制检验 极端罕见限制检验
    下限 上限 下限 上限
    总辐射 -4 Sa×1.5×μ01.2+100 -2 Sa×1.2×μ01.2+50
    散射辐射 -4 Sa×0.95×μ01.2+50 -2 Sa×0.75×μ01.2+30
    直接辐射 -4 Sa -2 Sa×0.95×μ00.2+10
    向下长波辐射 40 700 60 500
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    Table  3  Parameters in the test of relevant factor comparison[13]

    变量 下限 上限 参数范围
    Ed/Eg 1.05 (Eg>50, θΘ < 75°)
    Ed/Eg 1.10 (Eg>50, 75° < θΘ < 93°)
    Eg/EgC 0.92 1.08 (EgC>50, θΘ < 75°)
    Eg/EgC 0.85 1.15 (EgC>50, 75° < θΘ < 93°)
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    Table  4  Statistics of radiation data meeting the first two steps of the quality test at Lin'an from 2005 to 2011

    辐射量 样本量 缺测率
    总辐射 1773290 0.25 99.99 99.95
    散射辐射 1773290 4.20 99.99 99.98
    直接辐射 1773290 4.20 99.93 99.75
    3347685 0.03 99.99 99.99
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    Table  5  Distribution of the radiation data meeting the first two steps of the quality test at Longfengshan from 2005 to 2011

    辐射量 样本量 缺测率
    总辐射 1661769 1.37 99.99 99.93
    散射辐射 1661769 13.39 99.97 99.54
    直接辐射 1661769 21.50 99.89 99.68
    3068228 0.36 99.85 99.78
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    Table  6  The rate of data meeting requirements of quality evaluation with or without thermal offset correction

    站点 检验方案 总辐射 (√) 散射辐射 (√) 总辐射 (√) 散射辐射 (×) 总辐射 (×) 散射辐射 (√)
    θΘ < 75° θΘ>75° θΘ < 75° θΘ>75° θΘ < 75° θΘ>75°
    临安 散射比检验 0.84% 4.96% 0.89% 4.93% -2.14% -0.41%
    Eg/EgC检验 0.77% 4.30% -0.23% -0.13% 0.36% 4.04%
    第3层检验 1.03% 4.92% 0.14% 0.89% -1.73% 0.22%
    龙凤山 散射比检验 0.40% 3.78% 0.42% 3.79% -1.40% -0.05%
    Eg/EgC检验 0.19% 3.02% -0.76% -1.62% 0.44% 3.79%
    第3层检验 0.30% 3.50% -0.64% -1.09% -1.01% 1.31%
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    Table  7  The annual mean with standard deviations of Eg and DLR at Lin'an and Longfengshan

    年份 临安站 龙凤山站
    DLR/(W·m-2) Eg/(MJ·m-2) 晴空Eg/(MJ·m-2) DLR/(W·m-2) Eg/(MJ·m-2) 晴空Eg/(MJ·m-2)
    年平均 标准偏差 年平均 标准偏差 年平均 标准偏差 年平均 标准偏差 年平均 标准偏差 年平均 标准偏差
    2005* 368.4 62.97 11.6 6.32 14.2 2.57 281.4 78.22 11.5 6.17 14.9 5.19
    2006 370.0 55.13 12.5 7.29 17.2 5.12 267.5 79.45 13.7 7.32 14.5 8.09
    2007 369.9 55.85 12.8 7.21 16.5 4.97 263.0 66.99 14.1 7.67 14.4 6.11
    2008 365.1 59.75 12.4 7.34 16.6 5.23 279.9 76.72 13.9 7.19 14.9 7.42
    2009 361.0 58.77 11.6 7.08 17.0 5.23 277.5 82.49 12.6 6.82 14.2 4.47
    2010 358.4 59.76 12.3 7.36 17.0 5.37 281.4 78.81 13.4 7.41 16.5 4.66
    2011 355.9 63.19 12.5 7.01 16.0 5.10 277.0 78.43 13.9 7.12 17.2 7.17
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    • Received : 2012-06-01
    • Accepted : 2012-10-18
    • Published : 2013-02-28


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