W/m | a | b |
30 | 2.3574 | 0.097 |
50 | 2.4849 | 0.092 |
100 | 2.5462 | 0.090 |
Citation: | Guo Xiufeng, Tan Yongbo, Guo Fengxia, et al. Numerical simulation of effects of building tip on atmospheric electric field distortion. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2013, 24(2): 189-196. |
Table 1 The constant values of fitting equation of λi and HT by buildings with different widths
W/m | a | b |
30 | 2.3574 | 0.097 |
50 | 2.4849 | 0.092 |
100 | 2.5462 | 0.090 |
Table 2 The constant values of fitting equation of λi and w by buildings with different heights
H/m | a | t | b | R2 |
0 | 3.10802 | 4.62834 | 4.75243 | 0.988 |
100 | 10.63255 | 4.54626 | 12.74505 | 0.989 |
300 | 25.55048 | 4.46437 | 28.78252 | 0.990 |
500 | 40.37338 | 3.89759 | 46.42381 | 0.995 |
Table 3 The constant values of fitting equation of λi and s by buildings with different heights
H/m | a | b | c | R2 |
500 | 0.00228 | -0.22207 | 78.69342 | 0.983 |
300 | 0.00137 | -0.13339 | 50.20669 | 0.982 |
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