Yang Aiping, Du Xiaoling, Wang Baosheng, et al. The multiple-meteorological-factor indexes for orange frozen injury in Jiangxi Province. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2013, 24(2): 248-256.
Citation: Yang Aiping, Du Xiaoling, Wang Baosheng, et al. The multiple-meteorological-factor indexes for orange frozen injury in Jiangxi Province. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2013, 24(2): 248-256.

The Multiple-meteorological-factor Indexes for Orange Frozen Injury in Jiangxi Province

  • Received Date: 2012-04-16
  • Rev Recd Date: 2012-11-30
  • Publish Date: 2013-04-30
  • A persistent period of low temperature weather is the main cause to the frozen injury of orange during the winter, which is usually accompanied by the sleet and frost weather process (or drought). And the sleet and frost weather process (or drought) may aggravate the injury to the orange. The single-meteorological-factor index of the orange frozen injury is well known and commonly used to analyze the degree of the disaster, which only refers to the low temperature factor while neglects other ones. Considering the climate characteristics which may bring about the frozen injury, a series of frozen injury indexes for orange, including the single-station index and the regional index, are designed by employing multiple meteorological factors, such as temperature, rainfall amount and persistent days of rain. Tallied with the freezing disasters happened in Jiangxi Province from 1959 to 2009 and compared with the single-meteorological-factor index, the surveying effects of the multiple-meteorological-factor indexes are assessed. The calculation results of the single-station index for the typical years, such as 1992 or 2000, compared with the single-meteorological-factor index, are more in line with the freezing disaster happened in Jiangxi Province. Both the reflection on the damage degree and the characteristic of spatial distribution of the single-station grade of the multiple-meteorological-factor indexes are consistent with the actual situation. Taken the typical counties Nanfeng and Xinfeng as example, compared with the single-meteorological-factor index, the calculation result of the frequency for each single-station grade of the multiple-meteorological-factor indexes is more accordant with the cultivation habit and the disaster experience. And the calculation result of single-station grade is much more in line with the actual orange frozen disaster in Nanfeng from 1957 to 2000. The accuracy of the regional index from 1959 to 2009 is about 90%. Meanwhile, the freezing years, in which the calculation grade of regional multiple-meteorological-factor index is extreme-serious, are completely accordant with the actual situation. According to the record from the Department of Agriculture of Jiangxi Province, 80% of the calculation result of the regional grade for each districts in the typical year (for example, in 1992) is in accordance with the actual orange frozen disaster.Results indicate that the single-station multiple-meteorological-factor index for orange can reflect the damage degree and the characteristic of the spatial distribution better than the single-meteorological-factor index. In addition, the analyzing results suggest that the regional multiple-meteorological-factor index is able to assess the regional degree of frozen injury, which can be used to analyze the climate suitability of orange.
  • Fig. 1  The flow chart of index design

    Fig. 2  Spatial distribution of the calculation results for single-station grades in 1992 and 2000

    Table  1  Classify of the single-meteorological-factor grads for orange frozen injury

    冻害等级 轻度 中度 偏重 严重 特重
    极端最低气温Tmin/℃ Tmin>-3 -5<Tmin≤-3 -7<Tmin≤-5 -9<Tmin≤-7 -11<Tmin≤-9 Tmin≤-11
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    Table  2  Classify of the meteorological factors

    级别 级数 越冬期极端最低
    气温 (Td)/℃
    距平百分率 (Ar)/%
    降水日数 (Dr)/d
    最长持续日数 (Dc)/d
    0级 0 Td>-3 Ar>-30 Dr<2 Dc<2
    1级 1 -5<Td≤-3 -40<Ar≤-30 2≤Dr<5 2≤Dc<4
    2级 2 -7<Td≤-5 -50<Ar≤-40 5≤Dr<10 4≤Dc<6
    3级 3 -9<Td≤-7 -60<Ar≤-50 10≤Dr<15 6≤Dc<8
    4级 4 -11<Td≤-9 -70<Ar≤-60 15≤Dr<20 8≤Dc<10
    5级 5 Td≤-11 Ar≤-70 Dr≥20 Dc≥10
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    Table  3  Classify of the single-station grades and the frozen injury intensity

    冻害等级 f 级数 冻害表现
    轻度 6≤f<11 1 甜橙类大部分叶片受冻,部分秋梢受冻;宽皮橘部分叶片受冻,秋梢没有明显伤害。甜橙类减产
    中度 11≤f<16 2 甜橙类大部分叶片死亡,一年生枝梢大部分受到明显伤害,减产10%~30%;宽皮橘部分叶
    偏重 16≤f<21 3 甜橙类绝大部分叶片受冻死亡、或脱落,一、二年生枝梢全部冻死,减产30%~60%;宽皮橘
    严重 21≤f<26 4 甜橙类枝条大部分死亡,只保留主干、主枝、副主枝等骨干枝,基本绝收;宽皮橘类大部分枝梢
    特重 f≥26 5 甜橙类植株接穗部分或全树死亡;宽皮橘类大部分枝条死亡,只保留主干、主枝、副主枝等骨
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    Table  4  Classify of the regional grades for orange frozen injury

    冻害等级 轻度 中度 偏重 严重 特重
    F 1.0≤F<2.0 2.0≤F<3.0 3.0≤F<3.5 3.5≤F<4.0 F≥4.0
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    Table  5  Calculation results of the frequency for each single-station grade at Nanfeng and Xinfeng

    站点 冻害指标类型 不同等级冻害的发生频率/%
    轻度 中度 偏重 严重 特重
    南丰 (27.21°N) 单一气象要素 29.4 41.2 25.5 2.0 2.0 0.0
    多气象要素 21.6 11.8 21.6 19.6 13.6 11.8
    信丰 (25.40°N) 单一气象要素 76.5 21.6 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
    多气象要素 64.7 17.6 11.8 3.9 2.0 0.0
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    Table  6  Actual orange frozen disaster and the calculation results of the frequency for single-station grade in Nanfeng from 1957 to 2000

    低温过程时段 冻害情况 多气象要素的柑橘
    1966-12—1967-01 柑橘幼树受冻严重 特重 (26) 偏重 (-7.0℃)
    1969-01—1969-02 柑橘冻死约50000株 (包括管理不妥造成的死树在内) 特重 (27) 中度 (-5.7℃)
    1973-12 柑橘受冻,程度较轻 严重 (24) 中度 (-6.7℃)
    1977-01—1977-02 南丰蜜橘受冻,但减产小于50% 特重 (27) 中度 (-5.5℃)
    1985-12 山区、下坡低洼地受冻严重,部分橘树冻死 严重 (21) 中度 (-5.2℃)
    1991-12 南丰蜜橘大冻害,全县冻死柑橘4365.4 hm2,占80.3% 特重 (31) 严重 (-10.8℃)
    1999-12 南丰蜜橘发生轻至中度冻害 严重 (24) 中度 (-6.6℃)
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    Table  7  Calculation results of the regional grades for orange frozen injury in Jiangxi from 1959 to 2009

    区域柑橘冻害等级 年份
    轻度 1964,1966,1978,1981,1982,1988,1989,1995,1996,1997,1998,2002,2003,2004,2008
    中度 1965,1979,1980,198319841985,1990,1993,1994,2005,2006,2009
    偏重 1959,196119621968,1971,1986
    严重 19601969,1970,19721976
    特重 196319671974197719922000
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    Table  8  Actual orange frozen disaster and the calculation results of the regional grades in Jiangxi of 1992

    地名 1992年严重冻害 区域冻害指标计算结果
    面积/hm2 占总面积/% 冻害指数 冻害等级
    赣州 1306.7 4.1 2.9 中度
    吉安 5600.0 32.3 4.3 特重
    抚州 14533.3 80.0 5.0 特重
    上饶 5506.7 60.7 5.0 特重
    宜春 7960.0 59.7 5.0 特重
    九江 2886.7 45.0 4.4 特重
    新余 2960.0 75.9 5.0 特重
    南昌 2666.7 82.1 5.0 特重
    鹰潭 2453.3 83.8 5.0 特重
    景德镇 740.0 64.2 5.0 特重
    萍乡 5.0 特重
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    • Received : 2012-04-16
    • Accepted : 2012-11-30
    • Published : 2013-04-30


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