Sun Linli, Ma Yuping, Jing Yuanshu, et al. Assimilation of observations with crop growth model based on the constrained analysis of parameters. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2013, 24(3): 287-296.
Citation: Sun Linli, Ma Yuping, Jing Yuanshu, et al. Assimilation of observations with crop growth model based on the constrained analysis of parameters. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2013, 24(3): 287-296.

Assimilation of Observations with Crop Growth Model Based on the Constrained Analysis of Parameters

  • Received Date: 2012-08-17
  • Rev Recd Date: 2013-02-26
  • Publish Date: 2013-06-30
  • Data assimilation may support regional applications of crop growth model, in which the selection of parameters and initial value of variables need lots of optimizing. Constraint reflects the controllability of observations on model parameters or variable initial value. Optimization of constrained parameters will most likely reach optimal results in data assimilation. An assimilation method of observations and crop growth model is established based on constrained analysis of model parameters. Sensitive parameters and initial value of the state variables in crop growth models are first selected using sensitivity analysis based on optimization algorithms. Constrained parameters of different variables are then obtained through constrained analysis, which is defined according to the relation of goodness of fit (QT) and optimization results of parameters. The optimal value of each parameter is got by means of combinatorial optimization of constrained parameters at last. Based on the constrained analysis, observations of summer maize leaf area index (LAI) in North China can constrain initial total crop dry weight (TDWI), initial specific leaf area (SLA1), initial maximum leaf CO2 assimilation rate (Amax1) and life span of leaves growing at 35 Celsius (SPAN) in WOFOST under optimal soil water condition. Dry weight of living storage organs (WSO) with the same results as the LAI is achieved. Total above ground production (TAGP) still include specific leaf area between jointing stage and tasseling stage (SLA2). Constrained parameters of LAI under water stress level include not only TDWI, SLA1, Amax1, and SPAN, but also initial amount of available water in total root zone (WAV), maximum daily increase in rooting depth (RRI), and maximum initial and soil moisture content of the initial root depth (SMLIM). Parameters constrained by LAI, WSO, TAGP and soil moisture content (SM) are not exactly the same with each other. The values of crop and soil parameters and initial conditions in WOFOST are obtained using observations over North China in 2009. Simulation shows that WOFOST can reflect the process of summer maize development, growth, and yield formation. The assimilation approaches are the foundation for application of crop growth model at regional scale.
  • Fig. 1  Assimilation method of observations with Crop Growth Model based on the analysis of constrained character

    Fig. 2  The changes of QT values with parameter values in assimilating LAI to WOFOST under potential production level (CK treatment in 2009)

    Table  1  Main parameters in WOFOST

    参数 定义 单位
    TDWI 初始地上部总干物重 kg·hm-2
    SLA 比叶面积 hm2·kg-1
    SPAN 叶片衰老系数 d
    EFF 单叶光能利用率 kg·hm-2·h-1·J-1·m2·s
    Amax 叶片最大CO2同化速率 kg·hm-2·h-1
    RML 叶片相对维持呼吸速率 kgCH2O·kg-1·d-1
    RMO 贮存器官相对维持呼吸速率 kgCH2O·kg-1·d-1
    RMS 茎相对维持呼吸速率 kgCH2O·kg-1·d-1
    RDRS 茎相对死亡速率 kg·kg-1·d-1
    CFET 蒸散速率订正系数
    RDI 初始根深 cm
    RRI 根深最大日增量 cm·d-1
    WAV 初始土壤有效水 cm
    SMLIM 初始根深的初始水分含量 cm3·cm-3
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    Table  2  Errors of WOFOST while LAI and TAGP as assimilation data in 2009

    同化数据 参变量 统计量 生产水平
    潜在 水分胁迫
    LAI Amax1 绝对误差/(kg·hm-2·kg-1) 3 2.5
    相对误差/% 6 5
    SPAN 绝对误差/d 0.1 0.08
    相对误差/% 0.2 0
    SLA1 绝对误差/(hm2·kg-1) 0.0001 0
    相对误差/% 3 0
    WSO 绝对误差/(kg·hm-2) 76 96
    相对误差/% 0.9 1
    TAGP 绝对误差/(kg·hm-2) 179 271
    相对误差/% 1 2
    TAGP TDWI 绝对误差/(kg·hm-2) 2 1.1
    相对误差/% 4 2
    SLA2 绝对误差/(hm2·kg-1) 0.0001 0
    相对误差/% 6 0
    SPAN 绝对误差/d 4 4
    相对误差/% 8 8
    WSO 绝对误差/(kg·hm-2) 70 62
    相对误差/% 0.9 1
    TAGP 绝对误差/(kg·hm-2) 96 100
    相对误差/% 0.6 1
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    Table  3  QT of sensitivity parameters in WOFOST

    参数 潜在生产水平 (2009年CK处理) 水分胁迫生产水平 (2009年K2处理)
    LAI WSO/(kg·hm-2) TAGP/(kg·hm-2) LAI WSO/(kg·hm-2) TAGP/(kg·hm-2) SM/%
    TDWI 0.35 1295.89 1142.58 0.31 1542.93 251.96 4.05
    SLA1 0.37 1291.53 980.39 0.29 305.24 269.21 3.89
    Amax1 0.37 1293.18 1029.72 0.29 808.56 439.72 4.26
    EFF2 0.41 1075.47 0.34 1088.23 1437.47
    SLA2 0.47 805.91 909.88 0.31 1568.69 1597.23 3.91
    Amax2 0.66 1265.34 1008.89 0.34 1009.37 1088.11 4.65
    EFF1 0.96 1075.38 0.79 1426.45 2340.61
    SPAN 1.00 1278.54 980.71 0.64 532.05 1130.70 4.67
    RMO 1019.33 910.88 1476.14
    Amax4 1043.29 929.49 1413.26 2690.93
    Amax3 1216.73 1336.32 2646.97
    SLA3 1271.46 1056.22 1704.76 2856.13 4.67
    Amax5 1117.89 972.11
    RDRS3 1205.73
    RML 1208.80 960.28
    RRI 0.25 322.81 268.69 4.43
    WAV 0.29 305.41 245.65 4.68
    SMLIM 0.31 313.93 249.74 4.32
    RDI 0.32 1732.18 4.58
    CFET2 0.90 1288.60 4.38
    CFET1 0.56 1474.08 2236.67 4.58
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    Table  4  Constrained parameters of different observations in WOFOST under water stress production level (K2 treatment in 2009)

    状态变量 可约束参数
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    Table  5  Optimal values of constrained parameters while assimilation of observations with WOFOST in 2009

    项目 潜在生产水平 (CK处理) 水分胁迫生产水平 (K2处理)
    可约束参数 TDWI/(kg·hm-2) SLA1/(hm2·kg-1) SPAN/d SLA2/(hm2·kg-1) AMAX1/(kg·hm-2·h-1) RRI/(cm·d-1) SMLIM/(cm3·cm-3) SLA2/(hm2·kg-1) WAV/cm
    参数优化值 22.41 0.0028 49.81 0.0015 74.82 0.74 0.24 0.0011 23.07
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    • Received : 2012-08-17
    • Accepted : 2013-02-26
    • Published : 2013-06-30


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