Sun Kangyuan, Ruan Zheng, Wei Ming, et al. Preliminary estimation of specific humidity profiles with wind profile radar. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2013, 24(4): 407-415.
Citation: Sun Kangyuan, Ruan Zheng, Wei Ming, et al. Preliminary estimation of specific humidity profiles with wind profile radar. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2013, 24(4): 407-415.

Preliminary Estimation of Specific Humidity Profiles with Wind Profile Radar

  • Received Date: 2012-10-12
  • Rev Recd Date: 2013-04-22
  • Publish Date: 2013-08-31
  • As a new type of detection instrument, wind profile radar (WPR) can detect meteorological factors such as wind profiles, spectral width, and refractive index structure constant and so on. The special detecting ability of WPR decides its broad application in atmospheric science research, meteorological operation application, climate research, aviation security and many other areas. With the advances of detection, a new specific humidity profiles retrieving method with WPR is proposed.Based on the turbulent backscattering theory, the method of estimating specific humidity profiles using boundary layer wind profile radar characteristics of clear-air echoes is devised. A retrieving test of specific humidity profiles are carried out with the data of observational campaign conducted from 15 Aug to 10 Sep in 2011 at a meteorological station of Dali, Yunnan Province, analyzing the main factors of retrieving accuracy. In the low atmosphere the refractive index gradient (M) is mainly influenced by three factors: dq/dz by 80.39%, the atmospheric temperature (T) by 12.75%, and the specific humidity q by 6.86% on average, respectively. Obviously, the dq/dz item is the most important factor, namely, there is a close relationship between the refractive index gradient and specific humidity.It is the measurement of refractive index gradient that turns out to retrieve specific humidity profiles with the help of WPR. The volume reflectivity (η) of turbulence echoes can indicate the fluctuation of atmosphere specific humidity due to the good correlation with M. Another factor that matters is the atmospheric turbulence dissipation rate which is under the influence of the signal spectral width observed by WPR. Radio Acoustic Sounding System (RASS) provides virtual temperature in retrieving of specific humidity profiles with the measurement of acoustic speed; PWV from GPS provides a method to obtain the initial boundary specific humidity; estimation of specific humidity profiles comparing with radiosonde data at the same time is conducted with WPR, RASS and GPS data.Results show that WPR can successfully retrieve specific humidity profiles with a certain degree of error. Among many factors that affect the retrieving accuracy, the determining of the sign of M, the refractive index structure constant and turbulence spectral width plays the key role, while the temperature and pressure are not so important. This new method can retrieve specific humidity profiles simply with the remote sensing instruments. The specific humidity retrieving from WPR, temperature profilers and initial boundary specific humidity from radiosonde shows the same trend comparing with which observed by radiosonde. The mean deviation and standard deviation turns out to be 0.75 g·kg-1 and 0.8 g·kg-1 respectively, both showing an increasing trend with height. With the assistance of WPR, GPS/PWV and RASS data, the retrieving mean deviation and standard deviation of specific humidity is 0.64 g·kg-1 and 0.85 g·kg-1 comparing with the observation of radiosonde.
  • Fig. 1  The height distribution of refractive index gradient M (a) and specific humidity q (b) at 2000 BT 2 Sep 2011

    Fig. 2  The PWV comparison of RS and GPS

    Fig. 3  The comparison of retrieved q0 and observed q0

    Fig. 4  The comparison of specific humidity between the retrieved from WPR and RS

    (a) the scatter diagram of humidity from WPR and RS,(b) the mean deviation between WPR and RS,(c) the standard deviation between WPR and RS

    Fig. 5  The specific humidity retrieving accuracy effect of refractive index structure constant Cn2 and spectral width σturb2

    Fig. 6  The comparison of specific humidity between the retrieved from WPR and RS

    (a) specific humidity profiles retrieved by sign of M from WPR and RS, (b) the sign of M from WPR and RS, (c) specific humidity profiles retrieved by sign of M from RS and observed

    Fig. 7  The comparison of specific humidity between the retrieved and RS

    (a) the scatter diagram of specific humidity from WPR,RASS,GPS and RS,(b) the mean deviation between WPR,RASS,GPS and RS,(c) the standard deviation between WPR,RASS,GPS and RS

    Fig. 8  The comparison of specific humidity profilers among the retrieved from WPR, RASS, GPS and RS, respectively

    (a) 0800 BT 16 Aug 2011, (b) 0800 BT 21 Aug 2011, (c) 2000 BT 21 Aug 2011

    Table  1  The ratio of vapor accounting for the total below different height

    距离地面的高度/m 距地高度单位气柱
    300 3.55 12.46 1.34
    1000 10.62 36.17 3.53
    1500 14.70 50.08 4.78
    2000 18.09 61.63 5.40
    3000 23.11 78.67 5.48
    4000 26.23 89.20 3.91
    5000 28.03 95.25 2.39
    6000 28.89 98.10 1.30
    7000 29.25 99.29 0.61
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    Table  2  The effect of taking RASS data and GPS data into account on errors

    引入数据 平均偏差/(g·kg-1) 标准差/(g·kg-1)
    RASS 0.06 0.32
    GPS -0.06 0.85
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    • Received : 2012-10-12
    • Accepted : 2013-04-22
    • Published : 2013-08-31


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