Wang Chunfang, Chen Yongtao, Li Chunlai, et al. Technology and implementation of warning information distribution based on Beidou satellite. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2014, 25(3): 375-384.
Citation: Wang Chunfang, Chen Yongtao, Li Chunlai, et al. Technology and implementation of warning information distribution based on Beidou satellite. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2014, 25(3): 375-384.

Technology and Implementation of Warning Information Distribution Based on Beidou Satellite

  • Received Date: 2013-02-19
  • Rev Recd Date: 2014-01-03
  • Publish Date: 2014-05-31
  • Warning information distribution (WID) is a key aspect in effective disaster risk reduction. All countries in the world are engaged in establishment and improvement of WID system over all kinds of transmission media. China has established an effective meteorological WID system based on radio, television, telephone, Internet, short message service, LED screen, village horn, etc. The system will be upgraded into a national level public emergencies WID system for all hazard events. But due to signal coverage, some areas of China are still uncovered and the time effect of WID still needs improving.Beidou satellite (BDS) is a navigation satellite system of China with short message communication capability. Its communication signal can cover all Chinese territory and surrounding areas. BDS has two communication methods, peer to peer and broadcast. The broadcast manner is of great value in improving the coverage and time effect of WID in China, especially in marine and distant land areas.However, WID based on BDS has some key problems such as low transmission rate, huge amount of redundant information (having no relevance to local area) and low reliability of long message distribution. To solve these problems, improved schemes are proposed on the system architecture, protocol stack and key issues of WID based on BDS. Feasible solutions including parallel transmission of uplink terminal, warning information encoding, affected area perception and unified message compensation are given. Based on those methods, a prototype system is established based on the protocol design including warning information network distribution, warning information BDS distribution and warning information BDS transmission.The prototype system is composed of integrated distribution platform, BDS distribution gateway, BDS command and control terminal, BDS, and BDS warning terminal. Integrated distribution platform is used for warning information input, revision, verification and distribution. BDS distribution gateway is used for protocol conversion from network distribution to BDS distribution. BDS warning terminal is used to receive warning information from BDS, filter out redundant information and give out severity discriminated warnings. Redundant information filtering is based on affected area encoding of warning message in three manners which are geocode, circle and polygon. Results can provide comprehensive analytical methods and practical experience to the establishment of WID system based on BDS or other satellite systems.
  • Fig. 1  Architecture of multimedia warning information distribution system

    Fig. 2  Protocol stack of warning information distribution system based on Beidou satellite

    Fig. 3  Comparison of distribution failure between multiple transmission and unified message compensation

    Fig. 4  Encapsulation format of transmission protocol of BDS warning information

    Fig. 5  Warning information edition on integrated distribution platform

    Fig. 6  Monitor and control of waning information on Beidou satellite distribution gateway

    Table  1  Coding mechanism of warning information

    信息元素 编码格式 编码方法
    发布部门 XXXL1L2L3L4L5L6 XXX:发布预警信息的政府机构、部门、行业代码[20],“416”表示中国气象局;L1...L6:中华人民共和国行政区划代码[21],“416230400”,表示黑龙江省鹤岗市气象局
    发布时间 YYMMDDHHmmss 依次为年、月、日、时、分、秒的值,2位整数表示
    生效时间 YYMMDDHHmmss 依次为年、月、日、时、分、秒的值,2位整数表示
    失效时间 YYMMDDHHmmss 依次为年、月、日、时、分、秒的值,2位整数表示
    灾害类别 T1T2T3T4T5 T1:类,“1”表示突发事件;T2:一级类,“1”表示自然灾害,“2”表示事故灾难,“3”表示公共卫生,“4”表示社会安全;T3:二级类,“B”表示“气象灾害”;T4T5:三级类,“01”表示“台风事件”;“11B01”表示突发事件中的台风气象灾害
    预警级别 T6 “1”表示红色预警,“2”表示橙色预警,“3”表示黄色预警,“4”表示蓝色预警
    影响区域 (地理码) G1...G14 多组地理码表示的地理区域;G1...G6:县级以上行政区域代码[21],G1G2为00,表示全国;G3G4为00,表示全省;G5G6为00,表示全地区;G7...G12:县级以下行政区域代码[22-23],G7G8G9为000,表示全县, G10G11G12为000,表示全乡;G13G14:预留为00;“61030400000000”表示陕西省宝鸡市陈仓县
    影响区域 (圆) LaLa1…La6LoLo1… Lo7RRRR La:纬度标识,“N”表示北纬,“S”表示南纬;La1La2:中心点纬度 (度);La3La4:中心点纬度 (分);La5La6:中心点纬度 (秒);Lo:经度标识, “E”表示东经,“W”表示西经;Lo1Lo2Lo3:中心点经度 (度);Lo4Lo5:中心点经度 (分);Lo6Lo7:中心点经度 (秒);RRRR:半径,单位为km
    影响区域 (多边形) LaLa1…La6LoLo1… Lo7 多个点 (不少于3个点) 依次围成的多边形;LaLa1…La6LoLo1…Lo7:多边形顶点坐标,编码方法同圆形区域中心点
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    • Received : 2013-02-19
    • Accepted : 2014-01-03
    • Published : 2014-05-31


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