Mu Jia, Zhao Junfang, Guo Jianping. Response of spring maize growth stage to climate change in Northeast China over the past 30 years. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2014, 25(6): 680-689.
Citation: Mu Jia, Zhao Junfang, Guo Jianping. Response of spring maize growth stage to climate change in Northeast China over the past 30 years. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2014, 25(6): 680-689.

Response of Spring Maize Growth Stage to Climate Change in Northeast China over the Past 30 Years

  • Received Date: 2014-04-03
  • Rev Recd Date: 2014-09-02
  • Publish Date: 2014-11-30
  • Northeast China is the main producing area of spring maize. Study on the response of spring maize growth stages to climate change has important significance for the agricultural production in Northeast China.Based on observations of spring maize at 55 agricultural meteorological stations, and daily meteorological data of 16 meteorological stations in Northeast China, combined with generally accepted indicators of agricultural meteorology, as well as the law of growth and development of spring maize, significant meteorological factors affecting the spring maize growth are determined at three time scales of inter-annual, potential growing season and crop growth stages. Variations of spring maize growth stages in Northeast China over the past 30 years are analyzed, using methods of trend rate, spearman correlation analysis, principal component analysis and structural equation modeling. Relationships between maize growth stages and climate change are explored. Finally, responses of spring maize growth stages to meteorological factors over the past 30 years are further analyzed at different time scales.The result shows that spring maize critical growth stages in Northeast China over the past 30 years are postponed. Compared to the stage of tasseling, delaying trends at sowing stage and maturation stage are obvious in most areas. The number of days decreases during the early maize growth stages, while both the late maize growth stages and growth stages extend. In most years, the sowing date of spring maize is later than suitable planting date, and the maturating date is earlier than the first frost date, reducing risks. Under climate warming, the late-maturating maize can be expanded in these areas in order to improve the utilization of thermal resource. Responses of spring maize growth stages to temperature factors are the most notable during the past 30 years.The result by principal component analysis shows that the increased temperature at the inter-annual timescale, the prolonged temperature growth period and the high temperature on the crop growth stages are more notable than other meteorological factors. While, in the structural equation modeling, effects of temperature factors on growth stages are partly indirect, and significant meteorological factors can explain 44% of variation in growth stages. Results deepen understanding effects of climate change on crop mechanism, and can be used as scientific basis for adaptation to climate change in the future.
  • Fig. 1  Interannual variation of number of critical growth stage interval days

    (a) Heilongjiang Province, (b) Jilin Province, (c) Liaoning Province, (d) Northeast China

    Fig. 2  The spatial distribution of linearity inclination rate of the number of critical growth stage interval days from 1981 to 2010

    (the blank zone is none maize-growing area)(a) the number of early growth stage days, (b) the number of late growth stage days, (c) the number of growth stage days

    Fig. 3  The relationship of sowing stage to the initial date no less than 10℃, and that of maturation stage to the final date no less than 10℃ with the first frost date about maize in Northeast China

    Fig. 4  Standard structural equation modeling of the number of growth stage days of spring maize with significant meteorological factors in Northeast China

    (factors are all standardized, one-way arrows stand for regression and values beside these arrows are standard regression coefficients, both-way arrows stand for correlativity and values beside these arrows are standard correlation coefficients)

    Table  1  The day of year of spring maize growth stages in Northeast China

    发育期 黑龙江省 吉林省 辽宁省 东北地区
    平均值 趋势变率 平均值 趋势变率 平均值 趋势变率 平均值 趋势变率
    播种 127 推后 119 极显著推后 118 极显著推后 120 极显著推后
    出苗 143 显著提前 138 推后 132 推后 138 推后
    三叶 150 推后 145 显著推后 138 推后 144 显著推后
    七叶 167 提前 161 推后 155 推后 161 推后
    拔节 185 提前 185 显著推后 177 极显著推后 183 显著推后
    抽雄 204 极显著推后 204 推后 201 推后 203 极显著推后
    开花 209 提前 207 推后 204 推后 207 推后
    吐丝 212 推后 210 推后 207 推后 210 推后
    乳熟 235 显著推后 234 极显著推后 232 极显著推后 234 极显著推后
    成熟 263 极显著推后 263 极显著推后 259 极显著推后 262 极显著推后
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    Table  2  Spearman correlation coefficients between the number of growth stage days of spring maize and different meteorological factors at typical stations in Northeast China

    站点 年平均温度 温度生长期日数 日平均温度不低于10℃活动积温 平均温度 最高温度 最低温度
    富裕 0.324 0.171 0.093 -0.461 -0.406 -0.544*
    安达 0.083 0.010 -0.235 -0.594* -0.349 -0.666**
    佳木斯 -0.041 -0.333 -0.412 -0.772** -0.710** -0.769**
    白城 0.082 0.298 -0.038 -0.445* -0.248 -0.566**
    尚志 0.429 0.181 0.039 -0.644** -0.575* -0.652**
    长岭 0.166 0.207 -0.259 -0.726** -0.595** -0.749**
    敦化 0.333 0.187 0.205 -0.352 -0.304 -0.259
    阜新 -0.521 -0.248 -0.193 -0.622 -0.506 -0.561
    梅河口 0.175 -0.324 -0.295 -0.608** -0.553** -0.704**
    桦甸 0.352 -0.026 0.020 -0.365* -0.223 -0.374*
    沈阳 -0.058 -0.180 -0.204 -0.715** -0.584** -0.826**
    集安 0.154 0.052 0.026 -0.479** -0.312 -0.630**
    绥中 0.309 0.052 0.264 -0.284 -0.215 -0.401*
    岫岩 0.351 0.014 0.225 -0.334 -0.182 -0.289
    宽甸 -0.130 -0.014 -0.410* -0.736** -0.705** -0.715**
    庄河 -0.187 -0.216 -0.294 -0.752** -0.644** -0.707**
    东北地区 0.236** 0.194** 0.159** -0.226** -0.214** -0.147**
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    • Received : 2014-04-03
    • Accepted : 2014-09-02
    • Published : 2014-11-30


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